
来源 :四川党的建设(城市版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lidcc
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在射洪县城南老鸦山脚下的绵渝公路旁,有一个名不见经传的股份制企业——四川射洪通用机械有限公司。全国建材机械行业“模范厂长”和遂宁市“优秀共产党员”、“优秀青年企业家”、“劳动模范”的获得者杨万松,便是这个企业的党委书记兼董事长、总经理。 看个头,老杨不过一米七八,论年龄则四十出头一点,论思维,决策果断,敏锐有余。正是在他的带领下,射洪通用机械有限公司(原县通用机械厂)从小到大,由弱到强,从过去的一个集体小厂一跃发展成为现在全国建材机械行业屈指可 In Shehong County, south of the foot of the road under the Crane Road, there is a little-known joint-stock enterprises - Sichuan Shehong General Machinery Co., Ltd.. Yang Wansong, who is the “model director” of the national building material machinery industry and the “outstanding Communist Party member”, “outstanding young entrepreneur” and “model worker” of Suining City, is the Party Secretary and Chairman and General Manager of this enterprise. Look at the head, Yang Mi However, a meter seventy-eight, on the age of 40 in his early stage, on the thinking, decision-making decisive, more than keen. It is under his leadership, Shehong General Machinery Co., Ltd. (formerly General Machinery Factory) from small to large, from weak to strong, from a group of small factories in the past developed into the current building materials machinery industry Qu fingers can be
Geochronological studies on the crust-derived Tianmenshan pluton were undertaken by SHRIMP zircon U-Pb dating and Ar-Ar dating of biotite,muscovite and K-feldsp
暑假期间,我在做“华罗庚金杯”少年数学邀请赛初赛试卷时遇到一个问题:  方程|x-5| 4|y 2|=10的整数解共有( )。  A.4个 B.8个 C.10个 D.16个  显然,这是一个与二元一次方程的解、绝对值的应用有关的问题,是我们学过的内容。  根据绝对值的意义,可知|x-5|≥0,|y 2|≥0。于是先由|x-5|≥0(x为整数)想到|x-5|的值有11种情况。即|x-5|=0或|x-
在岳池县,有一支闻名川北的交通“铁军”,刘顺才就是这支“铁军”的领头雁——大队长。为了这支队伍的建设,他不知付出了多少艰辛,洒下了多少汗水。 他坚持做到“学济”活动
目前在散发性脑炎的病名下,确有一些已明确的疾病被混淆了。这主要因它们的临床表现相似, Currently there are indeed some definite diseases that have been confused u