英国杰出演员 劳伦斯·欧立维埃(奥立佛)

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《王子复仇记》是我国观众熟悉的一部英国影片。这影片的脚本脱胎于英国伟大古典戏剧家莎士比亚的名剧《汉姆莱特》。影片中演王子汉姆莱特的就是英国杰出的演员劳伦斯·欧立维埃。单从这部影片看,他的演技是出类拔萃的。凡举手投足,侧身转目,其动作之精确,表情之贴切,无不令人折服。魁伟壮健的身躯,包含着优柔寡断的性格;稳重沉着的举措,抑不住内心复杂矛盾的冲突;冷漠无谓的外貌,蕴藏着复仇的熊熊火焰。故事的情节被合情合理地铺排了出来。欧立维埃把莎士比亚的汉姆莱特重新创造,提炼深化,使之再现于银幕。这对广大观众说来,确实是一种高度的艺术享受。 “Prince revenge” is a British movie familiar to our audience. The script for this video is based on Shakespeare’s famous play “Hamlet”, a great British classical dramatist. Film starring Hamlet Wright is the United Kingdom outstanding actor Lawrence Oliver. From the film alone, his acting skills are outstanding. Where gestures, sideways turn, the exact action, the expression of the appropriate, all convincing. Quilted body contains indecisive character; steady calm initiatives, could not suppress the conflict within the complex and contradictions; apathetic appearance, contains the flames of revenge. The plot of the story was plausibly laid out. Olivier redefined Hamlet of Shakespeare, refined it, and reproduced it on the screen. It is indeed a high degree of artistic enjoyment to the vast audience.