Self-aligned Coupled Waveguide Distributed Bragg Reflector Lasers

来源 :Chinese Journal of Lasers | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zjm2190
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A novel self-aligned coupled waveguide (SACW) multi-quantum-well (MQW) distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) laser is proposed and demonstrated for the first time. By selectively removing the MQW layer and leaving the low SCH/SACW layer the Bragg grating is partially formed on this layer. By optimizing the thickness of the low SCH/SACW layer, a-80% coupling efficiency between the MQW gain region and the passive region are obtained. The typical threshold current of the SACW DBR laser is 39 mA, the slope efficiency can reach to 0.2 mW/mA and the output power is more than 20 mW with a more than 30dB side mode suppression ratio. A novel self-aligned coupled waveguide (SACW) multi-quantum-well (MQW) distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) laser is proposed and demonstrated for the first time. By selectively removing the MQW layer and leaving the low SCH / SACW layer the Bragg The characteristic threshold current of the SACW DBR laser is 39 mA. By optimizing the thickness of the low SCH / SACW layer, a-80% coupling efficiency between the MQW gain region and the passive region are obtained. , the slope efficiency can reach to 0.2 mW / mA and the output power is more than 20 mW with a more than 30 dB side mode suppression ratio.
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