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接受美学在西方的兴起是二十世纪六十年代的事,它很快对文学研究领域产生了巨大的影响。八十年代,接受理论开始被介绍到国内学术界。近年,在中国的翻译界,接受理论对翻译及翻译研究的启发开始得到关注。应该说这和近年来翻译研究本身的转向有着紧密的联系。即翻译研究正越来越走向一种文化研究,它不再仅仅执着于语言分析与文本对照,而是把翻译放到文化语境中作为一种特殊的话语加以考察。因此,同时作为接受者与再创造者的译入语文化以及其内部的 The rise of receptive aesthetics in the West was a matter of the 1960s and it soon had a huge impact on the field of literary studies. Eighties, acceptance theory began to be introduced to the domestic academic community. In recent years, in China’s translation community, the acceptance of theory has inspired the study of translation and translation studies. It should be said that this is closely linked with the shift of translation studies in recent years. That is to say, translation studies are moving toward a kind of cultural research. Instead of focusing solely on linguistic analysis and textual comparison, translation studies are examined as a special discourse in the cultural context. Therefore, both as a receiver and re-creator into the language culture and its internal
本文通过维索尔伦的“顺应论”来解释会话中抱怨语信息过量的现象。对抱怨语中信息过量的发生、理解以及交际的顺利完成做出了语用解释。 This article explains the phenom
判别蓄电池极柱极性方法较多,在此介绍一种利用废旧硅整流发电机上的二极管来判别蓄电池极柱极性的方法。 方法是把汽车灯泡、二极管和蓄电池三者用导线串联成闭合电回路。
四川石油管理局井下作业处在有关单位的协助下 ,研制出组合式储砂罐 ,填补该项国内空白。加砂压裂现场施工 ,以往靠运砂罐车现场储砂、供砂、罐车退进期间只凭一个立式砂罐替
The calculation of H + H2 system by symplectic quasiclassical trajectory (SQCT) shows that there are two types of collision trajectories A and B, i.e., type A t
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有一台日本五十铃NHR轻型汽车行驶途中,突然出现窜气,漏油严重,回单位拆检发现发动机二缸第一、二道环已断,导致发动机下排气故障。 由于该机型配件缺,且运行里程不长,我们