Simultaneous Determination of Scopoletin and Scoparone in HERBA ARTEMISIAE ANNUAE by Three-dimension

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[Objective] To simultaneously detect scopoletin and scoparone contents in HERBA ARTEMISIAE ANNUAE by three-dimensional fluorescence coupled with alternating trilinear decomposition method. [Methods] The contents and recovery rates of scopoletin and scoparone were detected in HERBA ARTEMISIAE ANNUAE under unknown disturbances by using three-dimensional fluorescence coupled with alternating trilinear decomposition method. Component number was estimated by core consistency diagnostic( CORCONDIA) test. [Results] As for standard curve method,scopoletin and scoparone contents were 0. 080 4% and 0. 024 8% in HERBA ARTEMISIAE ANNUAE,respectively.As for second-order standard addition method,scopoletin and scoparone contents were 0. 082 7% and 0. 023 4%,respectively; and their recovery rates were 97. 9% and 102. 9%,respectively. The resolved spectra and real spectra of scopoletin and scoparone matched quite well with each other. [Conclusions] This method was simple and effective,and solved the problem of analyze interested components under complex background. [Objective] To simultaneously detect scopoletin and scoparone contents in HERBA ARTEMISIAE ANNUAE by three-dimensional fluorescence coupled with alternating trilinear decomposition method. [Methods] The contents and recovery rates of scopoletin and scoparone were detected in HERBA ARTEMISIAE ANNUAE under unknown disturbances by using three 080 4% and 0. 024 8% in HERBA-dimensional fluorescence coupled with alternating trilinear decomposition method. [0191] As for standard curve method, scopoletin and scoparone contents were 0. 080 4% and 0. 024 8% in HERBA ARTEMISIAE ANNUAE, respectively. As for second-order standard addition method, scopoletin and scoparone contents were 0. 082 7% and 0. 023 4%, respectively; and their recovery rates were 97.9% and 102. 9%, respectively. The resolved spectra and real spectra of scopoletin and scoparone matched quite well with each other. [Conclusions] This method was simple and effective, and solved the p roblem of analyze interested components under complex background.
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