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引言在培养学生口语交际能力过程中,应该从语言的双向互动实践中开始,在语文教学中把学生的听说能力培养起来,而且,在课外可以创设各种交际情境,使学生能够在无拘无束的口语环境中交流,日常生活中,教师也要鼓励学生去锻炼口语交际,进而培养学生的口语交际能力。1、突出内外结合贴近生活实际具体的生活情境是语言的发源地,语言动机也是在一定情境下产生的,为产生的语言提供材料,对语言的发展起到促进作用。而口语交际的来源就是丰富多彩生活,因此,语文和生活 Introduction In the process of developing students ’oral communicative competence, we should start from the two-way interactive practice of language, cultivate students’ listening and speaking abilities in Chinese teaching, and create various communicative situations outside of class so as to enable students to be free from unbridled Speaking environment communication, daily life, teachers should also encourage students to exercise oral communication, and then develop students’ oral communication skills. 1, highlighting the combination of life inside and outside the actual specific life situation is the birthplace of language, language motivation is also generated in certain circumstances, to produce language to provide materials to promote the development of language. The source of oral communication is rich and colorful life, therefore, language and life
1983年3月23日晚,美国总统里根在广播电视讲话中第一次正式提出了“战略防御创新”新方案(Strategic Defense Initiative简称SDI),即“星球大战”计划(Star War)。这个方案
介绍了AGM-130A、B两种型号的布局,提出了一种新的确保精度的末制导算法,描述了撒布系统要考虑的因素和撒布方法。 This paper introduces the layout of AGM-130A and B mo
对苏联战略武器的核当量普遍估计过高。对苏联武器试验的当量反复估算后表明,受到禁止核试验条约限制的苏联业已克制了其战略核弹头的研制。 The nuclear equivalent of the
Chronic neuropathic pain is a refractory symptom in clinical practice due to nervous injury or inflammation, and affects millions of people all over the world.
二、“星球大战”计划实现的可能性科学技术的发展和美国近十年反导技术的发展,为实现该计划提供了可能。 1、探测和数据处理技术为了使整个反导系统能够顺利工作,首先必须