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今人在著书中引述史料时不但要对史实本身详加考核,辨其真伪,更重要的是还要用历史唯物主义的立场、观点去分析或批判旧史料中的错误观点。比如说,史书称某次农民起义军为“贼”、“叛逆”,难道我们在引述史料或说明这段史实时,还能用这种称呼吗? 最近读了作家出版社出版任半塘著《唐戏弄》,这是一部较全面的论述和考证唐代戏曲史的书。这里不谈该书对唐代戏曲史的研究和分析如何,只就该书引述史 When we quote the historical materials in the book, we not only need to examine the historical facts themselves in detail and distinguish their authenticity. More importantly, we must analyze or criticize the erroneous views of old historical materials from the standpoint of historical materialism. For example, the history books call a peasant rebellion “thief” or “rebellion”. Can we still use this phrase when quoting historical materials or illustrating this historical fact? Recently, “Tang play”, which is a more comprehensive discussion and research of the history of the Tang Dynasty opera book. Not to mention the book on the history of the Tang Dynasty, the study and analysis of how, only the book cites history
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