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在当今的全球化时代,虽然随着英语的普及,人们在很大程度上可以直接用英语进行交流了。但尽管如此,翻译的作用依然存在,而且会变得愈益重要。这就有必要对传统的翻译定义进行重构。本文从雅各布森的语言学定义切入对之进行质疑,并从七个方面对翻译作了全新的界定。作者认为,我们之所以要重新界定翻译并非是为了全然摈弃已有的各种定义,而是要在已有的定义之基础上保留其合理的内核,并不断地加以必要的和有选择的扬弃、补充和修正,使其最终臻于完善。另一方面,既然(文学艺术的)翻译带有很大的创造性和建构性因素,那么翻译就永远是一个未完成的过程,对翻译的任何界定和重新界定都是不可避免的,它的最终目的之一就是要使研究翻译的这门学科更加完备。因此就这一点而言,本文对翻译所作的重新定义在某种程度上是基于中国视角以及跨中西文化对话的视角对雅各布森定义的质疑和重构。翻译研究也是如此,它不单单属于语言学或比较文学,而应该是一个独立的学科,它应该同时与人文社会科学乃至自然科学各相关学科进行对话。 In today’s era of globalization, although with the popularization of English, people are largely able to communicate directly in English. But in spite of this, the role of translation still exists and will become increasingly important. It is necessary to reconstruct the traditional definition of translation. This article from Jacobson’s definition of linguistics into question to question it, and from a seven aspects of translation made a completely new definition. The author believes that the reason we want to redefine translation is not to completely abandon the existing definitions, but to retain its reasonable core based on the existing definition and to constantly give it the necessary and selective sublation , Supplement and revise, make it finally perfect. On the other hand, since translation has great creative and constructive elements, translation is always an unfinished process, and any definition and redefinition of translation is inevitable. Its final One of the purposes is to make the discipline of translation research more complete. In this regard, therefore, the redefinition of translation in this article is to a certain extent challenged and reconstructed Jacobsen’s definition based on the perspective of China and the perspective of cultural dialogue across China and the West. The same is true of translation studies. It should not only belong to linguistics or comparative literature, but should be an independent discipline that should simultaneously engage in dialogue with all humanities, social sciences, and related disciplines in the natural sciences.
【正】 一、品种选择选择豆荚均匀、纤维少、单荚重、抗病性强的品种。如"猪耳朵"比较适合冬茬栽培。二、施肥整地冬暖式大棚栽培扁豆,生长期长,需肥量大,应重施基肥。可施磷