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似乎沉静了一段时间的实达以“烽火新世纪”为主题的1999实达电脑全国分销商大会在厦门刚刚闭幕,来自全国各地百余家实达电脑分销商齐来捧场。在这次分销商大会上,贾红兵副总裁提出了“基础渠道模式”概念与“烽火渠道计划”。实达认为,由于中国幅员辽阔、地区差异明显,发达城市和欠发达中小城市并存,占据世界1/4的人口总量,市场结构的复杂性远远超过其它国家与地区,以及国内的电脑市场体制建设历史短,基础与配套机制很不完善,商务规范、金融体制、社会支援均跟不上 PC 市场高速增长的需要,因此在相当长的一段时间内,分销仍然是 PC 市场的主渠道。但纵观目前 PC 市场渠道,实际上还停留在产品流通管道阶段。 Seems to be quiet for some time Shida to “New Century War” as the theme of 1999 Shida Computer National Distributor Conference in Xiamen has just concluded, from across the country more than 100 Shida computer distributors come together to join. At this distributor conference, Vice President Jia Hongbing put forward the concept of “basic channel mode” and “Fiberhome Channel Plan.” Shida believes that as China has a vast territory and obvious regional differences, the developed cities and the underdeveloped small and medium-sized cities coexist and occupy a quarter of the world’s population. The complexity of the market structure far exceeds that of other countries and regions and the domestic computer market System construction has a short history, inadequate basic and supporting mechanisms, and commercial norms, financial systems and social support can not keep up with the rapid growth of the PC market. Therefore, for a long period of time, distribution remains the main channel of the PC market. But look at the current PC market channels, in fact, still stuck in the product distribution pipeline stage.
HP 改、康柏改……可能还有些随时都在管理体制改革的 IT 外商,他们改来改去都有一个共同的特点,那就是以产品为主线的纵向管理的力量强于、甚至远远大于以地域为主导的横向
Generation Y 是 Apple 公司苹果机瞄准十几岁青少年市场新战略的简称,Apple 公司期望这些正在茁壮成长的孩子们用 Mac 机来取代 PC 机。帮助 Apple 公司完成这一目标且无深
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