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1992年刚过农历正月初五,河南扶沟县柴岗乡唐庄、李庄和汲下三个村的农机手就踏破了村农机管理员家的门槛,急着催村农机管理员早点到乡农机站,请修理技术人员下来搞农业机械修理承包。这三个村的机手为啥对修理技术承包这么感兴趣?那是因为1991年他们尝到了修理承包的甜头。这三个村地点偏僻,交通不便。多年来,机手遇到修理技术难题,要到10多千米远的县城修造厂求教。1991年春天,柴岗乡农机管理服务站的修理技术人员来到这里,和机手商量搞农机修理技术承包,他们对机手说:“每台拖拉机收20元修理承包费,每台柴油机收12元修理承 In 1992 just after the first lunar month on the fifth day of the lunar New Year, Chaigang Township, Fugou County, Henan Tangzhuang, Li Zhuang and Ji Xia three village farm machinery on the threshold of the village agricultural machine administrators hurry to urge the village agricultural machine administrator early to the township Agricultural machinery station, please repair the technical personnel down to engage in agricultural machinery repair contract. Why did the drivers of the three villages be so interested in repairing the technology contract? That was because in 1991 they had tasted the sweetness of repairing the contract. The three villages are remote and inaccessible. Over the years, the crew encountered technical problems repairing, to more than 10 kilometers away from the county building factory neighborhoods. In the spring of 1991, the repair technicians from Chaigang Township Agricultural Machinery Management Service Station came here to discuss with the mechanic about the technical contract for agricultural machinery repair. They told the owner: ”Each tractor receives 20 yuan to repair the contractor’s fee. Each diesel engine Receive 12 yuan repair bearing
To investigate the bilateral shear strength of rectangular frame column subjected to oblique horizontal load, we presented a simplified space truss-arch model d
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美国桑迪亚国家实验室的斯尼哥斯基使用比人的头发丝还细的元件组成了一种微型蒸汽机。这个实验室希望它能推动微型机械,以便夹住或切割非常小的物体,例如单个的细胞。 他们