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20.混水摸鱼 汉英词典:fish in troubled waters. 比喻乘混乱之机捞一把;这里引申为军事谋略,意在乱中取利。 应译为:derive benefits from the enemy’s confusion. 21.金蝉脱壳 汉英词典:slip out of apredicament like a cicada sloughing its skin;escape by cunning manoeuvring. 此计在军事的含义是保持阵地的原形造成还在原地防守的气势,在 20. Fish in troubled waters Chinese-English dictionary: fish in troubled waters. The metaphor took advantage of the chaos; it was extended to a military strategy, intended to take advantage of chaos. Should be translated as: derive benefits from the enemy’s confusion. 21. Jin Xuan shelled Chinese-English Dictionary: slip out of a predicament like a cicada sloughing its skin; escape by cunning manoeuvring. This meter in the meaning of the military is to maintain the original shape of the position is still in situ defense The momentum in
英语中的形容词无动词分句,有的语法学家也称其为增补性形容词分句(supplementive adjective clause)是无动词分句(verbless clause)的一种。它在句中有以下的功能:
在各级学校读书时,老师都充分肯定过我写的作文,中学时代就在报纸上发表过不少短文,可我都说不出“作文怎样才能写好”。后来我当了语文老师,跟学生讲了许多关于作文的 When
军工技术在新世纪新时期的发展将面临更多的机遇和挑战,自主创新仍将是它前进的推动力,和平利用则始终是它前进的方向。 The development of military technology in the ne
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Earth has not anything to show more fair: Dull would he be of soul who could pass by A sight so touching in its majesty: This City now doth, like a garment, we
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