【摘 要】
The FEM technology is used to analyze the welding line movement behavior of deep drawing TWB sheet with different thickness. It is found that high stress fields
【出 处】
Journal of Iron and Steel Research(International)
The FEM technology is used to analyze the welding line movement behavior of deep drawing TWB sheet with different thickness. It is found that high stress fields are concentrated around the welding line and large residual stresses are left. The effect of the welding line movement is like a rigid string and the selected nodes of the thin part near the welding line show the related larger strain.
The FEM technology is used to analyze the welding line movement behavior of deep drawing TWB sheet with different thickness. It is found that high stress fields are concentrated around the welding line and large residual stresses are are. The effect of the welding line movement is like a rigid string and the selected nodes of the thin part near the welding line show the related larger strain.
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