Assessment of Right Ventricular Free Wall Longitudinal Myocardial Deformation Using Speckle Tracking

来源 :华中科技大学学报(医学)(英德文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hjx1000000
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To assess right ventricular free wall longitudinal myocardium deformation and examine the changes with normal age by speckle tracking imaging (STI), myocardial systolic peak strain (ε), systolic peak strain rate (SRs), early diastolic peak strain rate (Sre), late diastolic peak strain rate (Sra), the ratio of Sre/Sra were measured in the basal, middle and apical segments of right ventricular free wall in 75 healthy volunteers (age range: 21-71 y) by STI from the apical 4-chamber view. RV longitudinal strain and strain rate were highest in the basal segment of the free wall. Older subjects had lower early diastolic strain rate (Sre) than younger subjects, but they had higher late diastolic strain rate (Sra). A negative correlation between age and the ratio of Sre/Sra was found in all RV free wall segments (r=-0.466 - -0.614, P<0.01). It is concluded that RV diastolic strain rate changes with age and STI can be used for the study of RV myocardial deformation.
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