
来源 :黄埔 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong430
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黄埔三期同学徐立,浙江温州人,曾任温(州)台(州)防守司令,参加过北伐和抗日战争。1945年日本投降后,受国民党政府派遣去台湾参与接收工作,此后从事新闻职业。1969年病故台北,1989年遗骨迂回原籍安葬。目前尚有其长子徐朝龄任职于台湾“国际贸易局”。早在1936年,徐立军次浙江富阳时,因部队转移,曾将妻子严国征所生才三个半月的长女寄养于当地妇女朱梅珍家。随后,卢沟桥事变,徐率部抗击日寇,戎马倥偬,即无暇顾及此女而从此天各一方。朱 Xu Huang Huangpu three students, Wenzhou, Zhejiang, former Wenzhou (state) Taiwan (state) defensive commander, participated in the Northern Expedition and the War of Resistance Against Japan. After Japan surrendered in 1945, the Kuomintang government sent to Taiwan to participate in the reception work, since then engaged in journalism. Taipei died in 1969 and was buried in 1989 for circuitous origin. There are currently the eldest son Xu Chaoxing serving in Taiwan “International Trade Bureau ”. As early as 1936, when Xu Lijun was in Fuyang, Zhejiang province, he was fostered at the local women Zhu Meizhen’s home by the eldest son of his wife, Yan Guozheng, who was born three and a half months because of the transfer of troops. Subsequently, the Lugouqiao Incident, Xu led his unit against the Japanese invaders, troops, that is, no time to take into account the woman from each side of the day. Zhu