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当前在中国经济学界蔓延的西方经济学教条主义不过是西方经济学中的主流经济学教条主义在中国的翻版。本文首先论述了这种教条主义已经严重损害了西方经济学的创新能力以及处理现实问题的能力,造成了西方主流经济学在西方的危机,从而揭示这种教条主义对中国经济学自主创新的威胁。进而,本文介绍了近年来兴起的经济学改革国际运动所提出的反教条主义的改革纲领和建议。在此基础上,本文以立足于中国特定的情境和脉络,充分发挥中国经济学的后发优势为着眼点,对中国经济学的自主创新战略提出构想和建议,并指出,中国经济学的自主创新可以从以下四个方面着手进行。第一,从中国哲学传统的创造性转化入手,按照现代宇宙观对西方异端经济学诸流派进行演化经济学的创造性综合;第二,建设中国崛起的国民经济学;第三,推动马克思主义经济学的创造性发展;第四,开创以中国哲学和中国经验为基础的中国经济学研究传统。论文最后对中国经济学自主创新的后三方面内容进行了扼要讨论。 Western dogmatism, which is currently spreading in Chinese economics, is nothing more than a revision of mainstream economics dogmatism in Western economics in China. This article first discusses that this dogmatism has seriously damaged the ability of innovation in Western economics and the ability to deal with practical problems, which has led to the crisis of the Western mainstream economics in the West, thus revealing the dogmatic threat to the innovation of China’s economics . In addition, this article introduces anti-dogmatic reform programs and suggestions put forward by the international reform of economic reform that have emerged in recent years. On this basis, based on the specific situation and context in China, this article gives full play to the advantages of China’s economy and puts forward some ideas and suggestions on the independent innovation strategy of China’s economy. It also points out that the autonomy of China’s economy Innovation can proceed from the following four aspects. First, we start with the creative transformation of the Chinese philosophical tradition, and creatively synthesize the evolutionary economics of the schools of the West’s heresy economics in accordance with the modern cosmology. Secondly, we should establish the rise of China’s national economy. Third, we should promote Marxist economics Creative development. Fourth, we should create a tradition of Chinese economics research based on Chinese philosophy and Chinese experience. Finally, the dissertation briefly discusses the latter three aspects of China’s economic innovation.
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