
来源 :今日山西 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhhaibin
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The reason of the current insufficient consumptive demands mainly includes the fol-lowing aspects:the instablity of the incomeand expenditre intensified the purchasingreluctance of the consumers; the increase ofthe intensive currency hinderd the expansionof the consumption; the imperfec - tion ofthe social insurance system has restricted therealization of the consumptive power, thedeep - rooted traditional consumptive idea hasprevented People from purchasing; the confusion of the market order and the divorce between the productive and consumptive structures influenced the start of the consumptionmarket. To make the nati0nal economv continue t0 maintain a speedy and healthygrowth, it is necessary to expand the internal demands. In China, 80% of the investment capital comes from the domestic deposit instead of borrowing external deht toexpand the internal demands. How can themarket be opened up and the internal demands be expanded ? Firstly, the recognition of the importance of the circulationshould be reinforced, Secondly, the income ofthe residents of the cities and rural areasmust be raised by every possible means;thirdly, the reform of the social insurancesystem must be properly accelerated; fourthly, a serious investigation into the marketshould be carried out so that a new consump - tive point (’an be grown, and lastly,the market in the countryside rnust be enlarged, the key point of which lies in the increasing the income of the farmers and theraise of their purchasing power. The reason of the current deficit consumptive demands mainly includes the fol-lowing aspects: the instablity of the income and expenditre intensified the purchasing of a consumer of the consumers; the increase of the intensive currency hinderd the expansionof the consumption; the imperfec tion of the social insurance system has restricted therealization of the consumptive power, thedeep - rooted traditional consumptive idea hasprevented People from purchasing; the confusion of the market order and the divorce between the productive and consumptive structures influenced the start of the consumptionmarket. To make the natiOnal economv continue t0 maintain a speedy and 80% of the investment capital comes from the domestic deposit instead of borrowing external deht toexpand the internal demands. How can the market be opened up and the internal demands be expanded? Initially, the recognition of the importance of the circu thirdly, the reform of the social insurancesystem be be properly accelerated; fourthly, a serious investigation into the marketshould be carried out so that a new consump - tive point (’an be grown, and lastly, the market in the countryside rnust be enlarged, the key point of which lies in the increasing the income of the farmers and theraise of their purchasing power.
随着新药的不断问世 ,临床新药品种日益增多 ,药物不良反应也不断发生 ,用药安全受到临床医生和药学人员的普遍关注 ,而成为一个重要的社会问题。本文就保证临床用药安全的选
目的:研究Tempol对高原缺氧小鼠脑组织的保护作用及其机制。方法:将60只小鼠随机分为正常对照组、缺氧模型组、乙酰唑胺组和Tempol组,单次腹腔注射给药后,在模拟海拔8 000 m