
来源 :植物保护 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kathrynde
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近十几年来,在害虫种群的研究方面,不论从生态学特性,还是研究方法均有显著进展,尤其对种群与环境的关系认识不断深入,并引进了“系统”的概念。在计算数学方面,电子计算机日益广泛应用。在数学方面,许多数学分支学科相继渗入害虫测报这个领域。因此,害虫测报工作近年来进展很快。不仅提高了单项对象预测的质量,而且正向着最优化的预测和控制、综合管理方面前进。 今将自己看到的部分文献,综合介绍如下: 一、害虫测报的概况 害虫测报是数学生态学的一个分支学科,它用数学的理论和方法来表达与分析生物的生态过程或系统的行为动态的定量关系。因此,要作好害虫的测报工作,必须既 In recent ten years, there has been notable progress in pest population research both in terms of ecological characteristics and research methods. In particular, the understanding of the relationship between population and environment has been deepened and the concept of “system” has been introduced. In computational mathematics, electronic computers are increasingly used. In mathematics, many branches of mathematics one after another into the pest forecasting in this area. Therefore, pest forecasting work has progressed rapidly in recent years. Not only does it improve the quality of single-object predictions, but it is also moving forward with optimal forecasting and control and integrated management. Now some of the documents I have seen are summarized as follows: I. General Situation of Pest Forecasting Pest forecasting is a branch of mathematical ecology that uses mathematical theory and method to express and analyze the biological process or behavior of the system The quantitative relationship. Therefore, we must make the measurement of pests, we must both
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近年来,随着耕作制度的改革,稻眼蝶(Mycalesis gotama Moore)在我县的发生面积不断扩大,为害有所加重。部分晚稻发生严重的每亩幼虫数18500头,被害株率达89.7%,叶片几乎吃光,
目的评价卫生防疫机构的资源利用状况 ,为研究制定相关卫生政策提供理论依据。方法应用变异系数法、样本聚类和等级相关法进行指标筛选 ,对入选指标采用均值法进行无量纲化 ,
五针松疱锈病(Cronar tium ribicola J.C.Fischer.)侵害许多五针松和茶(?)子属(Ribes)的一些种。在春季和夏季,担子孢子入侵任何年龄的松针,产生菌丝向下生长通过松针的输导
梨小食心虫Grapholitha molesta(Busck)简称梨小,国外叫东方果蛾,是一种世界性的果树害虫。主要为害苹果、梨、桃、李、杏等,在四川为害较严重。长期依赖化学农药防治,会导
臭椿皮蛾[Eligma narcissus (Cramer)]是皮蛾属(Eligma)昆虫。Eligma属是Hubner 1827年建属。此属有人主张隶属于灯蛾科,后来有的将其归在夜蛾科。朱弘复、陈一心在1964年《
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