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2005年胡润版中国富豪榜于10月12日正式发布。尽管连胡润自己都承认“百富榜”无法达到100%的可靠,但有一点毋庸置疑,这个上世纪70年代出生的英国人似乎执意要为中国经济的迅速崛起承担“写照”的义务。作为普通的中国人,关注的往往只是胡润版富豪榜中财富的排名和财富数字大小的变化。人们向富豪投向的基本上是“艳羡、崇拜、质疑、挑战”的目光,认为中国的富豪过的是常人难以涉足的奢华生活。一些人质疑:在中国,一个人一年能新增100多亿的财富吗,他的财富是怎么得来的?难道中国已经是一个制造超级富豪的国度?事实上,这些质疑并非完全没有道理,也并不能否定少部分企业家通过某些不正当的手段攫取了巨额的财富。但是,作为推动中国经济迅速发展的主体力量,企业家背负的使命,企业家的生存环境,企业家的劳累程度并没有财富榜单上那一连串的数字那样炫目。有人说,“能够说得出来的痛苦不叫痛苦”。赫赫有名的拿破仑拥有一般人梦寐以求的一切——荣耀、权力、财富和美人……可是又有谁能够真正读懂他对自己的密友所说的:“我这一生从来没有 2005 Hoogewerf China Rich List was officially released on October 12. Even though Hurun himself admits that ”the Rich List“ can not be 100% reliable, it is beyond doubt that the British born in the 1970s seemed insistent on assuming the ”picture“ of the rapid rise of China’s economy. ”The obligation. As an ordinary Chinese, the focus is often on the changes in the rankings and fortunes of wealth in the Rich List. People tend to invest in the rich is basically “envy, worship, challenge, challenge,” the eyes of the rich that China is over the ordinary people are hard to get involved in luxury life. Some people question: In China, a person can add more than 100 billion wealth a year, how did his fortune come from? Is China already a super-rich country? In fact, these questions are not entirely unreasonable , But also can not deny that a small number of entrepreneurs seized huge amounts of wealth through some improper means. However, as the main force driving China’s rapid economic development, the mission entrusted to entrepreneurs, the living environment of entrepreneurs and the degree of entrepreneurship are not as dazzling as the series of figures on the wealth list. Some people say, “Pain can be said without suffering”. The famous Napoleon owns everything most people dream of - glory, power, wealth and beauty ... But who can really read what he told his close friend: "I never had a lifetime
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