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贵阳车辆厂是铁道部所辖的货车修造专业工厂,属国家大型一档企业。由于产品单一,连年亏损。1986年初,新的领导班子上任时,工厂困难重重,累计亏损800万元,靠铁道部每年300万元补贴过日子。面对这种情况,工厂组织党政干部学习改革开放以来的方针政策,分析了厂里的优势与劣势,特别是与当时苏南红红火火的乡镇企业作了认真比较分析,认识到我们在资金、技术、人才、管理等方面具有十分明显的优势,而乡镇企业除了在机制上、信 Guiyang Vehicle Factory is the Ministry of Railways under the jurisdiction of the truck building professional factory, a national large-scale enterprises. Due to a single product, year after year loss. When the new leadership took office in early 1986, the factory was in trouble with a total loss of 8 million yuan and a subsidy of 3 million yuan a year by the Ministry of Railways. Faced with this situation, the factory organizes party and government cadres to study the principles and policies since the reform and opening up and analyzed the strengths and weaknesses of the factory. In particular, they made a serious comparative analysis with township and town enterprises that were flourishing in southern Jiangsu at that time, Technology, personnel, management and other aspects have very obvious advantages, and township enterprises in addition to the mechanism, the letter
在石油与天然气钻井以及地热钻井过程中,经常遇到硫化氢(H_2S)气浸。硫化氢对人身及钻具(套管、管材)的为害极大。 Hydrogen sulfide (H 2 S) gas immersion is often encountere
行车途中,常会遇到有些车辆后轮纹路中夹着碎石、砖头,作为后车的驾驶员一定要提高警惕,因为此时,潜在的事故隐患正悄悄向你袭来…… During driving, some vehicles often
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