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讲话稿是供口述的书面材料。讲话人常使用设问之法来加重表达力度,吸引听者的注意力,突出所述观点,使听众启引开思考的心扉,避免食而不化的弊端。因此,讲话人在关键之处细密地连续设问,更能取得极好的宣传效应。 按前后相属的设问有无主次来分,可以把连续设问分成并列关系和主从关系两类。 一、并列关系连续设问 两个或两个以上前后衔接的设问分别提及互有关联的几件事,或某一事物的几个不同侧面,它们之间无主次、轻重的区别,此属并列设问句。并列关系的连续设问有以下四种常见的组合形式: 1、相反式。前后设问涉及的对象或事理在性质上互相对立,构成正反并举型,或揭示矛盾事物的对立面,或揭示事物本身所固有的互相矛盾的两种属性,以启迪听者从正面和反面去思索、认识,辨清孰是孰非。如:“……何者是真正的马克思主义与真正的马克思主义者?何者又是假的马克思主义与假的马克思主义者?”(刘少奇《清算党内的孟什维主义思想》)在当时的中国,“有许多人以马克思主义者自命”,鱼目混珠,这易使那些缺乏判断能力的人真伪莫辨。讲话者从正反两方面作连续设问,增强了吸引注意力的强度,激发人们产生分清是非界限的欲望。在这一基础上,再精辟地作答,就易于加深听众的记忆。 2、推进式。这是为使话题逐步? Speeches are written materials for oral communication. The speaker often uses the method of asking questions to exaggerate the expression, attract the attention of the listener, highlight the point of view, and lead the audience to open the heart of thinking and avoid the drawbacks of eating out. Therefore, the speaker at the key place in a row continuous fine-tuning question, more able to obtain excellent publicity effect. According to the antecedents and the ancestors, the main points can be divided into consecutive questions asked to be divided into side-by-side relationship and the relationship between the two main types. First, the side-by-side relationship between two or more continuous question asked before and after the convergence question asked separately mentioned several things related to each other, or several different aspects of a certain thing, no primary and secondary differences between them, severity, This is a parallel question. Parallel relationship between the continuous questioning has the following four common combinations: 1, the opposite type. Before and after the question asked about the object or matter in the nature of opposition to each other, constitute both positive and negative, or reveal the opposite of contradictory things, or reveal the intrinsic contradictory things inherent in two attributes to enlighten the listener from the positive and negative Thinking, understanding, identify what is right or wrong. Such as: “... What is real Marxism and true Marxist? What is false Marxism and fake Marxists?” (Liu Shaoqi “Menshevism within the liquidation party”) at the time China, “There are many people who pretend to be Marxists,” and find it hard to discern those who lack the ability to judge. The speaker set questions continuously from both positive and negative aspects, increasing the intensity of his attention and stimulating people to create a desire to distinguish between them. On this basis, to answer incisively and easily, it is easy to deepen the memory of the audience. 2, push-style. This is to make the topic step by step?
Objective To investigate the effects of baicalin on the proliferation and apoptosis of human gastric cancer BGC-823 and MGC-803 cells and to explore the possibl