众所周知,经方以其药味少、配伍精、疗效捷而深受医者的推崇。然而,随着时代的变迁,病种的变异,经方的应用不无局限。后世所创的时方,也有其独到之处。将经方与时方合用,取两者之长,提高疗效,不失为一条有效的途径。兹就临床常用的几个合方,谈谈我们的体会。1 桂枝汤合玉屏风散桂枝汤与玉屏风散,同属固表祛邪之剂,但前者用桂枝、芍药,均入血分,能通心脉,故调和营卫而重在和营;后者用防风、黄芪,纯走气分,
As we all know, the Classical side is respected by those who are doctors because of its less medicinal taste, good compatibility, and effective efficacy. However, with the changes of the times, the variation of diseases, the application of the economic side is not limited. The time when created by later generations also has its own uniqueness. It is an effective way to combine the economic side with the time, taking the length of both, and improving the curative effect. I will talk about our experience with several commonly used clinical components. 1 Guizhi Tanghe Yupingfeng Sanzhi Guizhi Decoction and Yupingfeng San are the same agents used to solidify the surface, but the former uses cassia twigs and peony roots, all of them enter blood, and can pass through the heartbeat. The latter uses windproof, jaundice, pure gas,