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中国工业经济学会2014年学术年会暨“产业转型升级与产能过剩治理”研讨会,定于10月18日在湖南科技大学召开。现将会议征文有关事宜通知如下:一、会议主题:产业转型升级与产能过剩治理二、选题范围:(1)现阶段我国产能过剩现状与成因;(2)产能过剩与产业结构调整;(3)产能过剩与企业技术创新;(4)产能过剩与地方政府行为;(5)市场供求关系与产能过剩;(6)治理产能过剩的财税金融政策;(7)治理产能过剩的产业政策;(8)治理产能过剩的国际经验;(9)治理产能过剩的长效机制;(10)企业应对产能过剩的策略。三、征文要求:(1)论文尚未公开发表,5 000~10 000字为宜;(2)特别欢迎 China Society of Industrial Economics Annual Conference 2014 “and” industrial restructuring and overcapacity governance "seminar, scheduled for October 18 at the Hunan University of Science and Technology. Now the conference essay related matters are notified as follows: First, the conference theme: industrial restructuring and upgrading and overcapacity control Second, the scope of the topic: (1) China’s current overcapacity status and causes; (2) overcapacity and industrial restructuring; ( 3) overcapacity and technological innovation of enterprises; 4) overcapacity and local government behavior; 5) market supply and demand and overcapacity; 6) fiscal and taxation policies that govern overcapacity; 7) industrial policies to govern overcapacity; (8) international experience in managing overcapacity; (9) a long-term mechanism to manage overcapacity; and (10) a strategy for enterprises to cope with overcapacity. Third, the essay requirements: (1) thesis has not yet been published, 5 000 ~ 10 000 words is appropriate; (2) especially welcome
Based on the practical experiences of Guangdong carbon emissions trading pilot,the key issues such as cap setting,allowance allocation,system defects,regulatory
Objective Cryptosporidium spp.are prevalent globally and sheep are an important zoonotic reservoir.Little data regarding the rates of Cryptosporidium infections