
来源 :黑龙江政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lonwang
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各行政公署,各市、县人民政府,省政府各直属单位:现将《国务院办公厅关于进行第二次全国第三产业普查的通知》(国办发[2002]44号)转发给你们,并结合我省实际提出如下要求,请一并认真贯彻执行。一、提高认识,切实加强对普查工作的领导。第二次全国第三产业普查是一项重大的国情国力调查,其目的是查清我国第三产业发展的基本状况,掌握其规模、结构、效益等信息。认真搞好第三产业普查,对于研究制定服务业发展规划,优化服务业结构,改进宏观调控,开拓新的就业渠道和提高人民生活水平具有重要意义。为加强对普查工作的组织领导,我省成立了黑龙江省人民政府第二次全国第三产业普查领导小组。各地、各有关部门要把这项工作纳入重要议事日程,明确专人抓好组织协调和落 All administrative offices, municipalities and county people’s governments and provincial governments directly subordinate units: We hereby forward to you the Circular of the General Office of the State Council on Conducting the Second National Survey of the Third Industry (Guo Ban Fa [2002] No. 44) Combined with the actual requirements of our province, please conscientiously implement it. First, raise awareness and effectively strengthen the census leadership. The second national survey of the tertiary industry is a major national strength survey. Its purpose is to find out the basic conditions for the development of the tertiary industry in our country and to grasp such information as its scale, structure and effectiveness. Conscientiously carrying out the census of the tertiary industry is of great significance for studying and formulating the development plan for the service industry, optimizing the structure of the service industry, improving macroeconomic regulation and control, exploring new employment channels and raising the people’s living standards. In order to strengthen the organization and leadership of the census work, the province established the second leading group of the third national industrial census of Heilongjiang Provincial People’s Government. All localities and all relevant departments should incorporate this work into the important agenda, clarify that special personnel should do a good job in coordinating and coordinating the organization
对于房屋买卖过程中的一些不规范操作以及开发商在资金、工程进度等方面的问题,导致退房事件时有发生。依据相关法律,目前,九种情况下买房人可以退掉已购房屋。 For housing
1996年3月,八届全国人大四次会议授予汕头经济特区立法权。2000年7月1日起实施的立法法,又赋予汕头市较大的市立法权。在党的坚强领导下,历届市人大及其常委会从汕头 In Mar
辽宁省鞍山市某钢铁公司职工张某来信说:我老家在河南省西峡县。上世纪50年代,因为招工我到了目前这个钢铁公司工作。现在我已经 Zhang Anshan City, Liaoning Province, an