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成功来自99%的态度,加1%的技巧!所以,只要能培养自信,也就是健康的态度,企图心就能孕育而生。对销售行为而言,“勇气总在枝巧之前发生,而勇气来自绝对的自信,当自信创造出勇气,勇气运用在对的技巧及方向上,就能产生无坚不摧的‘企图心’。”自信(态度)+勇气(执行)+技巧(方法)=企图心企图心的魔力不断地被成功领导上级歌颂传承,他们经常拿“企图心”来鼓舞自己、鼓舞下级,也有人比喻企图心像太阳,天天充满用之不竭的能源、干劲和光芒,照到哪儿,哪儿亮:反之,缺乏企图心者似月亮,初一、十五不一样,时盈时缺、时明时晦,三分钟热度、永远无法沸腾,无法成就事业。企图心是直销成功最重要的因素。即使你只是一位新加入的直销伙伴,产品知识不够熟稳、人脉不够宽广,也没有舌灿莲花之能事,你照样有机会成功;然而,你只要少了企图心,到最后一定热情退却,立场动摇,否定自己,岂能奢望有功成名就的一天。企图心,我们都知晓是努力向卜的一个名词,大多新直销伙伴也都知道它的重要,但往往信誓旦旦、昭告天下、努 Success comes from a 99% attitude, plus 1% of the skills! So, as long as we can cultivate self-confidence, that is, a healthy attitude, we will be able to nurture and develop. For sales behavior, “courage always takes place before the tricks, and courage comes from absolute self-confidence. When you are confident, you create courage, and courage is applied to the right skills and direction, you can create an unrelenting ’attempted’.” “Confidence (Attitude) + Courage (Executive) + Skill (Method) = Attempting to Attempt The heart’s magic is constantly being commemorated by successful leaders. They often try to ”inspire" themselves and inspire them. Others have metaphors Attempting to look like the sun, is full of inexhaustible energy, energy and radiance every day. Wherever it shines, where it shines: Conversely, the lack of intentions is like the moon. The difference between the first and the fifteenth is when there is a shortage of time and time. , Three minutes of heat, never boiling, unable to accomplish career. Attempts are the most important factor in the success of direct sales. Even if you are just a new direct sales partner, product knowledge is not mature enough, the network is not broad enough, and there is no such thing as a lotus flower, you still have a chance to succeed; however, you only have to reduce your intentions, to the end must be enthusiastic retreat , Shake his position, deny himself, how can you expect to be successful? In an attempt, we all know that it is a term for diligent efforts. Most of the new direct sales partners also know that it is important, but they often vowed to tell the world that they
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