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1发病情况某蛋鸡场养有海兰褐商品蛋鸡5 500只,215日龄时突然发病并有死亡,共死亡149只,死亡率为2.7%.经该场技术员诊断,怀疑为坏死性肠炎,即用常用抗生素药物治疗,并结合鸡舍清洁消毒,病情初步得到控制.但因停止用药过早,几天后全群蛋鸡重新发病,重新发病后,共死亡352只,死亡率为6.4%.
As channel evaluation for abandoned channel restoration design, this study sought to exam channel changes from the past to the present and predict subsequently
Corresponding customized software tool is usually unavailable, which increases the time and workload for evaluating the results of a clinical trial. In the pres
Purpose: The aim of this study is early detection of increased cup to disc ratio and a survey study of cup-disc ratio in Egyptian children age group less than 1
文章介绍国内外“数字劳动(Digital Labor)”研究的概况和基本思路,从信息产业数据生产的角度去看“数字劳动”概念的分析适用性,指出“数字劳动”研究存在的问题和局限在于对“
Purpose: We report a case of ocular worm diagnosed clinically and treated surgically. Methods: A 68-year-old man presented to the ophthalmology clinic, complain
Titanium and titanium alloys are currently being used for clinical biomedical applications due to their high strength, corrosion resistance and elastic modulus.
1 试验材料供试种蛋采用北京市南口农场种鸡场饲养的艾维茵父母代种鸡所产种蛋,种蛋存放1天,种蛋收集后消毒一次,入库前进行分检消毒处理,分组码盘预热后,再连同孵化器一并进