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2008-2014年,通过对四川主要不同生态区茶树病害、昆虫、螨类、蜘蛛种类和4种重大害虫(螨)种群数量动态进行比较系统的调查与研究,取得了以下主要结果:1从调查采集的5000余份茶树病害、昆虫、螨类、蜘蛛标本中,鉴定出真菌病害20种,其中,叶部病害12种,枝干病害6种,根部病害2种;鉴定出昆虫纲种类9目,39科34种,其中,害虫25科29种,天敌15科7种;鉴定出蛛形纲种类2目,9科10种,其中害螨4科4种,蜘蛛5科6种。2根据病虫害发生范围、出现频率和危害程度,明确了四川茶园主要病害包括:茶饼病、茶网饼病、云纹叶枯病、轮斑病、炭疽病、赤星病、白星病8种;主要害虫包括:茶蚜、假眼小绿叶蝉、黑刺粉虱、茶跗线螨、茶黄蓟马、茶尺蠖、茶银尺蠖、茶蚧类等11种(类)。3系统观察了茶蚜、假眼小绿叶蝉、黑刺粉虱和茶跗线螨4种重大害虫在茶园中种群数量消长动态,明确了在四川生态条件下不同时段发生危害特点。 In 2008-2014, we conducted a systematic survey and investigation on the population dynamics of tea plant diseases, insects, mites, spiders and four major pests (mites) in different ecological regions of Sichuan Province. The main results are as follows: 1 From survey Among the more than 5000 tea tree diseases, insects, mites and spider samples collected, 20 fungal diseases were identified, of which 12 were leaf diseases, 6 were stem diseases and 2 were root diseases. Insect species were identified as 9 orders , 39 families and 34 species, of which 29 species of pests 25 families, 15 families of 7 species of natural enemies; identified arachnids species 2 orders, 9 families of 10 species, including 4 families 4 kinds of pests mites, spiders 5 families and 6 species. According to the occurrence scope, frequency of emergence and the degree of harm, the main diseases of tea plantation in Sichuan Province were identified: tea cake disease, tea cake disease, moire leaf spot disease, leaf spot disease, anthracnose disease, brown spot disease and white star disease; The main pests include: tea aphid, green leafhopper false eyelashes, black thorn whiteflies, tea mites thread mites, thistle, tea scallop, tea silver scallop, scaly class 11 kinds (classes). The dynamics of population dynamics of four major pests such as tea aphid, green leafhopper, black spot whitefly and acanthopanax senticosus in tea plantation were observed systematically. The characteristics of the occurrence of the damage in different periods under the ecological conditions of Sichuan were clarified.
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