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1971年,美国总统理查德·尼克松曾预言:当今世界上存在着五支经济力量——西欧、日本、中国、苏联和美国。他们将决定世界经济的前途和本世纪最后1/3时间世界其它方面的未来,因为经济力量是决定其它各种力量的关键。 20多年过去了,预言中五支力量(除苏联解体外)的较量,已从经济增长速度急剧向经济增长方式转变。美国,作为头号工业大国,早在50年代,就率先将发展战略目标的指针,拨向“知识经济时代”。为此,五支力量中最弱但又最具潜力的中国倍感压力,而体现国家经济实力的中国企业,更面临生死攸关的巨大挑战:知识经济,21世纪的制高点,中国企业能迟到吗? 新文明宣言:财富来自人大脑 90年代中期,中国企业在走过近20年的改革历程后,终于步入市场经济生态圈,将市场经济的主 In 1971, U.S. President Richard Nixon predicted that there are five economic forces in the world today: Western Europe, Japan, China, the Soviet Union and the United States. They will determine the future of the world economy and the future of the rest of the world in the last third of this century because economic power is the key to determining the other forces. More than 20 years have passed, and the contest of the five forces in the prophecy (except for the Soviet Union’s dissolution) has changed drastically from an economic growth rate to an economic growth mode. As the number-one industrialized power in the United States, as early as the 1950s, the United States spearheaded the development of a strategic target in the era of knowledge-based economy. To this end, the five weakest but most potential Chinese pressure, and reflect the country’s economic strength of the Chinese enterprises are more facing the enormous challenges of life and death: the knowledge-based economy, the commanding height of the 21st century, Chinese companies can be late? Declaration of the New Civilization: Wealth Comes from the Human Brain In the mid-1990s, after nearly 20 years of reform, Chinese enterprises have finally entered the market economy ecosystem and marketed the market economy
北京大学光华管理学院院长厉以宁教授近日提出新论,按劳分配和第一类按资分配相结合。 厉以宁教授认为,过去谈分配谈得比较简单,只把分配分成两种,一种叫按劳分配,另一种叫
曾康霖在今年第3期《经济学家》杂志撰文指出,当前中国经济学的危机,集中表现在对经济学的研究“急功近利”方面。其 Zeng Kanglin wrote in the “Economist” magazine i