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“广州保障房建设水平在发展中国家达到高水平,已经和欧美等发达国家比肩。而且,广州保障房管理模式值得向世界推广。”联合国人居署区域与技术合作司官员在广州考察保障房建设和管理后,对广州保障房项目给予高度评价。日前,广州市入围首个广州奖30个专家推荐城市,其中,经济适用房项目受到关注。广州市自1986年开始实施住房解困工程以来,住房保障成效显著:截至“十一五”期末,市辖10区208万户城镇户籍家庭中,已有22.5万户家庭享受了直管公房等多种形式的住房福利。城镇居民人均居住面积已由1985年的6.62平方米(相当于建筑面积9.93平方米)大幅提高到2011年的22.2平方米(相当于建筑面积33.3平方米)。有着二十多年建设保障房的历史与经验,广州保障房的建设一直走在全省乃至 “The construction of affordable housing in Guangzhou reached a high level in developing countries and has been comparable to developed countries such as Europe and the United States. Moreover, the social security housing management model in Guangzhou deserves to be promoted to the world.” “UN-HABITAT Regional and Technical Cooperation Department officials visit Guangzhou Protection of housing construction and management, the protection of housing projects in Guangzhou spoke highly of. Recently, Guangzhou City, Guangzhou City, the finalists nominated the first 30 experts recommend cities, of which affordable housing projects attracted attention. Since the implementation of housing relief project in Guangzhou in 1986, housing guarantee has achieved remarkable results. As of the end of the ”Eleventh Five-year Plan" period, of the total population of 2.08 million urban domicile households in 10 districts, 225,000 households have enjoyed direct public housing And many other forms of housing benefits. The per capita living space of urban residents has risen sharply from 6.62 square meters (equivalent to 9.93 square meters of gross floor area) in 1985 to 22.2 square meters (equivalent to a gross floor area of ​​33.3 square meters) in 2011. With more than two decades of history and experience of building affordable housing, the construction of affordable housing in Guangzhou has been going all the way to the province and even
The Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP)for the Katian Stage of the Upper Ordovician Series is defined as the 4.0 m-level above the base of the B
目的探讨不同剂量阿立哌唑治疗氨磺必利和利培酮所致高催乳素血症的疗效及安全性。方法采用随机数字表法将87例氨磺必利所致高催乳素血症患者随机分为氨磺必利联用5、10、15 mg阿立哌唑(Ami+5 mg、Ami+10 mg、Ami+15 mg)组,每组29例;将106例利培酮所致高催乳素血症患者随机分为利培酮联用5、10、15 mg阿立哌唑(Ris+5 mg、Ris+10 mg、Ris+15 mg)组