我们来到杭州市肖公桥附近的一户姓刘的人家,见到誉满老山、受到前线将士崇仰的三个年轻美丽的姑娘。近年来,为了保卫祖国的南疆,她们毅然“斩断儿女情”,都把自己的心上人送到炮火纷飞的老山首线。那时,大姐芳芳正和男朋友处在热恋中,二姐丽丽怀孕刚满四个月,小妹玲玲结婚才二十天,蜜月还没度完。在战斗最激烈的关头,她们给战士送去了温暖和力量。她们的故事,在前沿阵地流传。 早在去年初夏我们就已经听到三姐妹的故事了。
We came to a family name surnamed Liu in the vicinity of Xiao Gong Bridge in Hangzhou City and saw three young and beautiful girls who were honored by the front lines and admired by officers and men of the front line. In recent years, in order to defend the southern border of the motherland, they resolutely “cut off their children’s love affair” and sent their sweethearts to the first line of Laoshan Caving. At that time, sister Fong Fong and her boyfriend in love, sister Lily pregnant just over four months, the little sister Lingling married only twenty days, the honeymoon has not finished. At the moment of the most intense fighting, they sent warmth and strength to the soldiers. Their stories are circulating at the front lines. As early as last summer, we have already heard the story of three sisters.