
来源 :植物病理学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hhtui
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1984年春季,在江苏扬州发现一些蜂箱附近有成批的蜜蜂死亡,许多蜜蜂不能飞翔,只能爬行,翅膀徽卷曲并下垂,以后不久就会死亡,死亡蜜蜂不变成黑褐色.病蜂或死亡不久的蜜蜂用显徽镜检查,可发现有大量的螺原体.用R-2培养液培养3—5天后,即可分离到螺原体,呈典型螺旋状,无壁,直径约0.17μm,长度随生长期不同变化很大,菌体作螺旋式运动.菌落煎蛋形,直径75—210μm.生长曲线呈“S”形,48小时达生长高峰。生长温度20—37℃。最适28—32℃. In the spring of 1984, some honey bees were found dead in the vicinity of beehives in Jiangsu Province. Many bees can not fly, they can only crawl, and their wing emblems curl and droop. They will die shortly afterwards, and dead bees will not turn dark brown. Soon after the death of bees with microscopic emblem examination, can be found in a large number of spirochetes.Using R-2 culture medium cultured 3-5 days, you can isolate spiroplasma, a typical spiral, no wall diameter of about 0.17 μm, the length varied greatly with different growth stages, and the bacteria were in a spiral movement.The colony was omelet-shaped with a diameter of 75-210μm.The growth curve was “S” and reached its peak at 48 hours. Growth temperature 20-37 ℃. Optimum 28-32 ℃.
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