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湘雅百年回眸古城长沙,湘江北去。百年风雨,百年征程。一百年,在历史的长河中,只不过是一朵小小的浪花,但在湘雅的发展史上却积淀了厚重的一页。历史给湘雅以定格,湘雅也在历史的嬗变中奠定了她在中国乃至世界医学中的地位。湘雅的传奇是和这样一个史实相连的:1905年,年轻的美国医学博士爱德华·胡美,受美国耶鲁大学校友组建的雅礼协会的派遣,飘洋过海,携妻带子,来到长沙办医办学。1906年,他在长沙小西门的西牌楼,建立了中国最早、而为数不多的一所西医医院——雅礼医院。1910年,又—位医学传奇人物,美国耶鲁大学医学院毕业的颜福庆博士学成归国,来到长沙。他与胡美如故友重逢,情投志合,俩人开始携手合作管理医院。次年11月,雅礼护病学校也应运而生。1913年,在时任湖南省政府主席、督军谭延闯的支持下,湖南育群学会代表湖南省政府与美国雅礼会握手,双方签订了联合办学的协约,1914年,湘雅医学专门学校因此创立,开创了我国中外合办高等医学教育的先河。1915年,湘雅医学会接收西牌楼的雅礼医院,并在长沙北门外的现址建设新医院。10月18日谭延闯专门为新建的医院奠基题写“湘雅医院”的院名。 An Xiangya century back to the ancient city of Changsha, Xiangjiang North. 100 years of wind and rain, a hundred years journey. One hundred years, in the long river of history, is only a small spray, but in the history of Xiangya development has accumulated a thick page. History has given Xiangya a fixed frame. Xiangya has also established her position in medicine in China and even in the world in the history of transformation. Xiangya’s legend is linked to such a historical fact: In 1905, the young American medical doctor Edward Humei was dispatched by the Yale Association formed by the Yale University alumni. He came across the sea and brought his wife and son to Changsha. Medical school education. In 1906, he established the Yale Hospital, one of the earliest and one of the few Western medicine hospitals in China. In 1910, another medical legend, Dr. Yan Fuqing, who graduated from Yale University Medical School, returned to Changsha. He reunited with Hu Meiru’s old friend, and he decided to work together to manage the hospital. In November of the following year, Yali Nurse School also came into being. In 1913, under the support of the chairman of the Hunan Provincial Government and Governor Tu Yanyan, the Hunan Yuqun Society represented the Hunan Provincial Government and shook hands with the American Yah Lai Club. The two sides signed an agreement on joint education. In 1914, Xiangya Medical College was established. Therefore, the establishment of China’s Chinese and foreign cooperative medical education. In 1915, Xiangya Medical Association accepted the Yali Hospital of the West Archway and built a new hospital outside the northern gate of Changsha. On October 18, Tan Yanji wrote the name of the “Xiangya Hospital” for the newly-built hospital.
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