古代医籍《诸病源候论》中有“诸痔皆由伤风、房室不慎所致”之说,认为痔疮的发生与不正确的性生活有密切关系。男性生殖科和肛肠科医生在临床治疗和研究过程中也发现,房事过频和经常忍精不泄的男士易患痔疮。何以不正常的性生活可致痔疮呢? 从痔疮发病的位置和形成机理来看
The ancient medical books, “all kinds of origin of the disease,” there are “all kinds of hemorrhoids by the cold, atrocious room caused by” that the occurrence of hemorrhoids and incorrect sexual life are closely related. Male reproductive and anorectal doctors in the clinical treatment and research process also found that frequent and often excesses men prone to hemorrhoids. What abnormal sexual life can cause hemorrhoids it? Hemorrhoids from the pathogenesis of the formation and mechanism of view