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督促检查作为办公室的一项基本工作职能,近年来在推进各级党政重大决策的落实方面发挥了越来越显著、越来越重大的作用.不过,在这项工作日益走向规范化、科学化的过程中,仍然需要各级领导的重视和关怀,仍然需要办公室干部、特别是督查干部的不懈努力.我认为,当前办公室的督查工作要加大力度,提高实效,应注意从下列四个方面下真功夫:第一、要落实一个“加”字.一是加深认识.办公室的督查工作属于领导工作的范畴,这使政务服务中的“秘书性”有了很大程度的突破,实际上它是一种领导行为的延伸和扩展.办公室的督查活动由于通常握有“尚方宝剑”,这使工作地位上的“配角型”发生了前所未有的嬗变,实际上它是一项很有权威的工作.办公室的督查行为由于主要表现为决策后的监督催办和跟踪反馈,这使决策运行中的“薄弱环”得到了符合规范的加强,实际上它是领导工作科学化的组成部分和完善手段.应该看到,办公室的督查工作是与党委的工作作风和领导的工作风格紧密相联的.党委和领导抓决策落实的手段硬不硬,工作实不实,通过这个窗口可以进行有效的检验.二是加强队伍.现在正值改革开放 To supervise the inspection as a basic job function of the office has played an increasingly significant and increasingly important role in advancing the implementation of major party and government decision-making at all levels in recent years. However, as this work increasingly moves toward standardization and scientification Still need the attention and care of the leaders at all levels, and still need the untiring efforts of the office cadres, especially the cadres in charge of supervision. In my opinion, the supervision and inspection of the current office should make greater efforts to enhance effectiveness. Attention should be paid to the following four First, to implement a “plus.” First, to deepen our understanding. Office of the supervision work belongs to the scope of the work of leadership, which makes government services in the “secretarial” has a large degree of breakthrough , In fact it is an extension and expansion of leadership behavior.Optical inspection activities in the office as a result of the usual “sword”, which makes the work of the “supporting role” has undergone an unprecedented evolution, in fact it is a Very authoritative work.Office supervision behavior as the main performance of the decision-making supervision and reminders and follow-up feedback, which makes the decision-making operation of the “weak ring” has been in line with the norms In fact, it is an integral part of and a perfect means of leading the work in a scientific manner .It should be noted that the work of supervision by the office is closely linked with the work style of the party committees and the style of work led by the party committees and the leaders. Hard means not hard, the work is not real, through this window can be effectively tested. Second, to strengthen the team. Now is the time for reform and opening up
目的:观察参附注射液(Shenfu iniection,SF)预处理对犬缺血再灌注心肌组织NF—κB和HSP70、血清c—TnT的影响,探讨参附注射液抗心肌缺血再灌注损伤的可能作用机理。方法:20只健康成年杂种犬,随机分成4组(n=5):假手术组(1组)、模型组(生理盐水,2组)、SF低剂量组(2ml/kg,3组)、SF高剂量组(4ml/kg,4组)。所有的犬在同等条件下在开胸前按照体重比例和分组
目的探究腹膜后入路腹腔镜肾上腺肿瘤切除手术的特点。方法 18例肾上腺肿瘤患者,均接受腹膜后入路腹腔镜肾上腺肿瘤切除术治疗。分析手术特点及治疗效果。结果全部患者均顺利
所谓讲话稿的重复现象,是指围绕一个主题,或一个会议、一件事情而撰写的两篇以上的讲稿,在内容上有较多的交叉重复.这是一个“通病”,也是困扰秘书写作的棘手问题. The repe