Erythropoietic Protoporphyria (A Light, Polarization and Electron Microscopical Study of the Liver i

来源 :Journal of Nanjing Medical University | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Hmilts
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Objective To explore the hepatic pathology of a patient with erythropoietic protoporphyria (EPP). Methods Percutaneous liver biopsy was performed with a Chiba needle in a 31 year old man suffering from EPP. The sample was fixed in 10% formalin solution, and the paraffin embedded section was stained with H E, PAS, etc. Unstained paraffin embedded and H E stained paraffin embedded sections were examined under polarization microscope. Ultrathin sections were examined in a transmission electron microscope. Results In H E stained sections, deposits of dark reddish brown pigment were seen in the hepatocytes, Kupffer cells, portal macrophages and plugs in the lumen of bile canaliculi and ducts. Under light microscope, such deposits, with rare exception, exhibited striking birefringence with the unique shape of “Maltese cross”. Non membrane limited compact masses of crystals were straight or slightly curved and their dimensions (40 640 nm in length and 6 22 nm in width) were different under the transmission electron microscope. Conclusion Microscopy, especially polarization microscopy, provides a highly sensitive and specific technique for the diagnosis of EPP. Objective To explore the hepatic pathology of a patient with erythropoietic protoporphyria (EPP). Methods Percutaneous liver biopsy was performed with a Chiba needle in a 31 year old man suffering from EPP. The sample was fixed in 10% formalin solution, and the paraffin embedded section was stained with HE, PAS, etc. Unstained paraffin embedded and HE stained paraffin embedded sections were examined under polarization microscope. Ultrathin sections were examined in a transmission electron microscope. Results In HE stained sections, deposits of dark reddish brown pigment were seen in the hepatocytes, Kupffer cells, portal macrophages and plugs in the lumen of bile canaliculi and ducts. Under light microscope, such deposits, with rare exception, showing striking birefringence with the unique shape of “Maltese cross” Non membrane limited compact masses of crystals were straight or slightly curved and their dimensions (40 640 nm in length and 6 22 nm in width) were different under the transmission electron microscope. Conclusion Microscopy, especially polarization microscopy, provides a highly sensitive and specific technique for the diagnosis of EPP.
1.茄子黄萎病在发病初期,可用50%托布津500—1000倍液或多菌灵600—800倍液灌根,每窝0.25公斤,每7—10天灌一次,连续3—4次。 2.辣椒炭疽病发病初期可用50%多菌灵或代森锌、
用 1只野生型小鼠和 3只SH2 磷酸肌糖 (SHIP)靶基因突变小鼠进行群体死亡率研究。小鼠的遗传背景均为G5 7BL 6和12 9混合基因。该群体的小鼠利用价值较差 ,在临床症状出现 10d内死亡。
淡水螺Neotricula aperta是湄公血吸虫的中间宿主,已通过形态学和解剖学研究进行分类。本文采用空气干燥法从螺的前列腺和性腺提取染色体,对N.aperta的3个亚种α,β,γ进行
171.Euphorbia drummondii Boiss.烧大戟,大戟科。全草:治疗发热、痢疾、慢性腹泻、风湿病、生殖器溃疡、皮肤溃疡、疣。[3]27、[4]152172.Euphorbia hirta L.飞扬草,大戟科