君特·格拉斯于1927年10月16日出生在当时还是德国领土的但泽(今属于波兰的格但斯克),父母经营着一家小商店,17岁时正上中学的格拉斯被征入希特勒的军队中,成为空军士兵,在战争结束时成为美国军队的俘虏。战后的混乱年代里他当过石匠,学习雕刻,后来又进入大学学习美术和雕塑。28岁时开始写诗歌和散文,32岁时开始小说创作,以《铁皮鼓》一鸣惊人于德国文坛,并引起强烈反响。1979年,根据《铁皮鼓》改编的同名电影获得了奥斯卡奖。1965年,格拉斯以“但泽三部曲(由《铁皮鼓》《猫与鼠》《狗年月》组成)获得德国文学最高奖——毕希纳奖。1999年6月3日,格拉斯意外获得西班牙阿斯图里亚斯亲王奖评奖委员会颁发的1999年度文学奖,这是该奖首次发给非西班牙语国家的作家。1999年9月30日,瑞典文学院宣布:君特·格拉斯获得1999年度的诺贝尔文学奖。 格拉斯以绝对优势击败他的竞争对手们:如秘鲁的萨略、美国的顾鲁戴克、墨西哥的小说家富恩特斯、巴西的小说家阿马多、印度的小说家萨尔曼和中国的诗人北岛。他的作品反映了本世纪一些最根本的主题:纳粹统治时期人们遭受的苦难、人们在二战结束以后怀有的希望与和解情绪。
Günt Grass was born on October 16, 1927 in Danzig, now German territory (now part of Gdansk, Poland). His parents ran a small shop and Grasse, who was in high school at the age of 17, was admitted to Hitler To become Air Force soldiers and become prisoners of U.S. troops at the end of the war. He was a mason in the chaotic years after the war, studied sculpture, and later went to college to study art and sculpture. She began to write poetry and prose at the age of 28 and began writing novels at the age of 32, making a “Metal Tin Drum” blockbuster in the German literary world and arousing strong repercussions. In 1979, the film of the same name adapted from “Tin Drum” won the Academy Award. In 1965, Grasch won the prize of the highest German literary prize, the Bihinah Prize, with the Danzak Trilogy (composed of “Tin Drums,” “Cats and Rats,” “Dog Year of the Dog.” On June 3, 1999, Sri Lanka accidentally won the Prince of Asturias Prize in 1999 Award of Literature Committee of the Year Award, which is the first time the prize was issued to non-Spanish-speaking writers. September 30, 1999, the Swedish Academy announced: Grasse won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1999. Grasse defeated his competitors by absolute superiority: such as Saul in Peru, Guludek in the United States, Fuentes in Mexico and novelist in Brazil Maduo, Indian novelist Salman and Chinese poet Kitao. His work reflects some of the most fundamental themes of this century: the sufferings of people during the Nazi rule, the hopes and feelings of reconciliation people had after World War II .