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骨纤维肉瘤发病率较低,合并妊娠更为罕见,我科遇到一例,报告如下: 孙××,28岁,住院号13441,因足月妊娠伴有左下肢疼痛不能行走半月,于1984年10月5号住我科。既往月经周期3/40-60天,末次月经1983年10月23日。妊娠早期活动时,时感左下肢疼痛,来院妇检未发现异常。妊娠6~+月时自己摸到左下腹部有鸡蛋大小包块,不活动,无触痛,能行走。近半月来,包块长大迅速,左下肢疼痛加剧,不能伸直。 查体:T、P、R、BP均正常。一般情况好。强迫体位。产科检查:胎位、胎心音正常,头浮。左下肢向内屈曲不能伸直,左腹股沟部位可触及如新生儿头大包块,表面光滑,固定,无触痛,质硬。化验: The incidence of bone fibrosarcoma is low, and pregnancy is more rare. Our department encountered one case. The report is as follows: Sun ××, 28 years old, hospital number 13441, unable to walk half a month due to full-term pregnancy with pain in the left lower limb, in 1984 October 5 live in our department. Previous menstrual cycle 3/40-60 days, last menstruation October 23, 1983. In the early pregnancy, when she felt pain in the left lower extremity, she did not find any abnormalities in her examination. From the 6th to the 6th month of pregnancy, she touched the left lower abdomen with egg size, inactive, without tenderness, and able to walk. In the past half-month, the masses grew rapidly and the left lower extremity experienced increased pain and could not be straightened. Physical examination: T, P, R, and BP were normal. Generally good. Force position. Obstetric examination: fetal position, normal fetal heart sound, head floating. Inflexion of the left lower extremity can not be straightened, the left groin area can be touched, such as neonatal head mass, the surface is smooth, fixed, no tenderness, hard. assay:
一、美食课堂红焖羊肉火锅汤浓色重,酥烂不膻、肥而不腻、汤红不辣、原汁原味。秋冬季食用,既可享受拥炉欢聚的乐趣,又有滋补健身、生热避寒的功效。 First, the food class
病 例 介 绍 患者男性,23岁。1年前用甲胎蛋白(AFP)诊断普查肝癌,血凝1:1000(卅),对流法(十),火箭电泳>1000ng/ml。追询病史,患者于8年前患急性黄疸型肝炎,近10天来有乏力,