
来源 :世界地震译丛 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:epigeige
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地震学的一个最重要的特征是,我们所研究的对象——地震——看起来是不可预测的和特殊的。我们还远未达到从基本定律出发的、对地震的全面了解,而且很少有机会能进行可控实验,来分离出控制地震发生的特殊的物理条件。然而,根据地震观测结果的长期积累,导致地震活动的构造过程的描述以及震源的运动学和动力学模型已得到很大的发展。对于对导致地震孕育的地质条件和地质过程感兴趣的地震学家来说,要在地质构造的存在或范围上或者一个区域变形模式方面得出结论,一次地震的发生,记录和分析能提供足够的信息。地震学家研究地震断裂机制时,一个地震的高质量的记录可以为假设的震源模式提供一个新的约束。较好的地震资料有时有助于证明或证伪称有争议的假说,但更经常地是导致物理模型和概念的渐近式的进化。地震的复杂性和多变性使高质量的观测资料的汇集成为我们这门科学研究的中心内容。在与地震震源相关的广泛的科学问题中,IRIS设备已经取得了可能的成就。除了由于由IRIS仪器收集的地震数据数量和质量的提高带来的优势外,还在IRIS设备的协助下,在地震数据如何分享、管理和分配方面产生了深刻的变化。这篇短文的目的在于以下三个方面:首先,强调IRIS在技术和组织方面的成就,这些成就导致了1994年两次千载难逢的深震的观测。第二,讨论IRIS设备如何才能够有助于解决目前震源理论方面的一些争论。最后,描述怎样用新方法将这些日益增加的高质量的地震数据用于监控全球地震和应力释放,以及这些数据的迅速传播和分析怎样产生社会效益。 One of the most important features of seismology is that the object we are studying - an earthquake - looks unpredictable and special. We are far from achieving a full understanding of earthquakes based on the basic laws, and we seldom have the opportunity to conduct controlled experiments to separate the special physical conditions that control the occurrence of earthquakes. However, based on the long-term accumulation of seismic observations, the description of the tectonic process leading to seismic activity and the kinematics and dynamics models of the source have been greatly developed. For seismologists interested in the geologic conditions and geologic processes that lead to earthquake geology, concluding on the presence or extent of geological formations or a regional deformation pattern, the occurrence, recording and analysis of an earthquake can provide sufficient Information. When seismologists study the mechanism of earthquake rupture, a high-quality record of an earthquake can provide a new constraint for a hypothetical hypocenter model. Better seismic data sometimes help prove or disprove controversial hypotheses, but more often lead to the asymptotic evolution of physical models and concepts. The complexity and variability of earthquakes make the collection of high-quality observational data central to our scientific research. The IRIS equipment has made possible achievements in a wide range of scientific issues related to the source of the earthquake. In addition to the benefits resulting from the increased number and quality of seismic data collected by IRIS instruments, profound changes have taken place in the sharing, management and distribution of seismic data with the assistance of IRIS equipment. The purpose of this essay is threefold: First, the emphasis on the technical and organizational achievements of IRIS led to two profound earthquakes in 1994. Second, discuss how IRIS equipment can help solve some of the current controversies of hypocenter theory. Finally, it describes how new approaches to the use of these increasingly high-quality seismic data can be used to monitor global earthquakes and stress releases, and how these data can be rapidly disseminated and analyzed can yield social benefits.
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