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党的十一届三中全会以来,伴随着我国改革开放进程不断加快,各地在培育和建设公路货运市场中迈出了较大步伐。其主要成绩是:基础设施建设步伐加快,货运场站、运输交易等基础设施不适应的状况有了明显改善;运输市场全面开放,促进运输生产力的快速发展;运输经营主体多元化,平等竞争、自主经营的市场格局初步形成;运输资源流动速度加快,进一步促进物流业的发展;运输市场改革开放力度加大,新的经济体制开始建立;运输市场机制作用增强,促进了运输经济的繁荣发展。本文试结合扬州市公路货运的实际,探讨中等城市面向新世纪的货物运输业之发展战略。 Since the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Party, along with the continuous acceleration of the reform and opening up in our country, great progress has been made in fostering and building the road freight transportation market in various places. The main achievements are as follows: The pace of infrastructure construction has been accelerated; the unaccommodated infrastructure such as freight depots and transport transactions have been significantly improved; the transport market has been fully liberalized to promote the rapid development of transport productivity; the diversification and equal competition among transport operators, The market pattern of independent operation is initially formed; the flow speed of transportation resources is accelerated to further promote the development of the logistics industry; the reform and opening up of transportation market is intensified and the new economic system starts to establish; and the role of transportation market mechanism is enhanced to promote the prosperity and development of transportation economy. This article tries to combine with the actuality of highway freight transportation in Yangzhou and discusses the development strategy of freight transportation industry in medium-sized cities facing the new century.
在我国社会实现经济增长方式两个根本性转变过程中 ,企业文化作为管理领域一种新理论备受人们的关注。加强企业文化建设在企业发展中的作用已成为人们的共识。下面 ,笔者根据
中国航空器材公司与空中客车工业公司签定了购买总价值达15亿美元的30架 A320飞机的合同,从而成为中国第一家购买畅销的 A320飞机的客户。A320是150座级的中短程飞机。此合
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