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1.乙烯利的催熟原理及效果棉铃开絮是一种复杂的生理转化过程。开絮前10天,棉铃内乙烯含量急剧增加,开絮前1~2天,乙烯含量达到高峰。因此,棉铃内乙烯达到一定含量是棉花开絮的不可缺少的条件。植株生育正常的棉田,在9月中旬前,可以自身产生乙烯,使棉铃完成开絮前的生理转化,9月中、下旬可以自然开絮。但是部分晚熟棉田,由于棉铃发育日数不足,加上9月下旬平均气温低于20℃,棉株体内产生的乙烯很少,不能 1. Ethephon ripening principle and effect Cotton boll opening is a complex physiological transformation process. 10 days before opening floc, the boll content of ethylene increased sharply, open 1 to 2 days before floc opening, the ethylene content reached its peak. Therefore, cotton boll to achieve a certain content of ethylene is an indispensable cotton open conditions. Plant fertility normal cotton fields, before mid-September, can produce ethylene itself, so cotton boll to complete the physical transformation before the open flocculation, in mid-September, can be opened naturally. However, in some late-maturing cotton fields, due to the lack of boll development days and the average temperature in late September of less than 20 ° C, there is very little ethylene produced in cotton plants.
摘 要:安全套对于预防艾滋病及其他性病有着重要的作用。由于安全套组成成分性质及安全套生产过程中乳胶液中的气泡、杂质的影响,生产过程中安全套上可能会产生一些肉眼看不到的针孔,而这些针孔将使安全套的预防作用丧失,必须要将这些有针孔的安全套筛选出来。本文简述了安全套发展史、介绍了安全套的生产工艺,并且对国内外安全套针孔检测方法进行综述,为工业生产中安全套的针孔检测方法提供参考。  关键词:安全套;针孔检
摘 要:本文基于專利计量分析方法对我国推荐系统技术领域进行了综述性研究,先分析了推荐系统技术的研究背景,进而对该技术领域进行了专利申请时间序列分析、领域核心申请人分析。  关键词:推荐;技术;专利计量  一.研究背景  中国互联网信息中心2017年发布的《第39次中国互联网络发展状况统计报告》显示,截止2016年12月,我过网民规模达7.31亿,全年共计新增网民4299万人,互联网普及率为53.2
Abstract:Purpose To find a molten salt system in heat supply and to research the its situation of application in practical heating project. To resolve the problem of pollution like haze in north of Ch
Abstract:The constitutional government, refers to the concept of a political operation legalization or ideal state, it requires that the government all the exercise of power was incorporated into the