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教师的教学任务主要是调动学生的学习积极性、自觉性和主动性,要通过有目的、有意识、有步骤地对学生设疑激思、启发诱导,促使学生思考问题,培养他们的思维能力和科学的学习方法,使之学有所得,不断增长知识和才能。因而,教师既要把知识传授给学生,但更重要的是发展和培养学生的智力和能力。知识是主客观相互作用的产物,智力的发展和能力的提高,主要是学生积极参加学习活动的成果。因此,过去那种教师讲、学 The teaching tasks of teachers are mainly to mobilize the students’ enthusiasm, consciousness, and initiative, and they must have a purposeful, conscious, and step-by-step approach to students’ thinking and inspiration to inspire students to think about problems and develop their thinking skills and science. The method of study makes it possible to learn what you have learned and to continuously increase your knowledge and talents. Therefore, teachers must impart knowledge to students, but it is more important to develop and cultivate students’ intelligence and abilities. Knowledge is the product of subjective and objective interaction. The development of intelligence and the improvement of abilities are mainly the results of students’ active participation in learning activities. So, in the past, teachers talked and learned
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一、教学目的 1、使学生了解南亚的位置和范围,地形和河流等基本特征 2、了解南亚三种气候的特征、成因和分布,特别是西南季风的成因,从而使学生对热带季风气候有一个完整正
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