春运客车票可提前30天购买 市区联网售票不收手续费

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据市交运集团透露,为方便广大旅客朋友购买车票,双屿客运中心、牛山客运中心、汽车南站、新城站将长途汽车票的预售期从之前的7天统一调整为30天。今年春运从2月4日至3月16日,共计40天。也就是说,如购买客车票回家,最早于1月6日可购买到2月5日车票。大家可要提前安排好行程,尽早购票。另据了解,目前各车站已实现联网售票,即任意车站可售其他车站的车票。同时在市 According to the city delivery group disclosed that in order to facilitate the majority of travelers to buy tickets, Double Yu passenger center, Niushan Terminal, South Bus Station, Metro Station bus ticket pre-sale period from the previous 7 days unified adjustment for 30 days. This year’s Spring Festival from February 4 to March 16, a total of 40 days. In other words, such as buying a bus ticket to go home, as early as January 6 can be purchased on February 5 tickets. We have to arrange a good trip in advance, as early as possible tickets. It is also understood that at present all stations have achieved network ticket sales, that is, any station can sell tickets for other stations. At the same time in the city
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