Effect of 1070  nm laser intensity on parameters of In0.3Ga0.7As solar cell

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The photoelectric properties of In0.3Ga0.7As solar cells applied in laser wireless power transmission (LWPT) were studied when they were irradiated by 1070 nm continuous wave (CW) laser of various intensities. The influences of laser intensity on solar cell parameters extracted by the pollination algorithm were analyzed quantitatively. Results show that the conversion efficiency of the cell rose to the maximum and then decreased rapidly in the laser intensity range of 50–900 mW/cm2. With higher energy laser irradiation, the rise of ideality factor and reverse saturation current would lead to the degradation of voltage at the maximum power point, which was the main reason for the decrease of conversion efficiency. The results provide the basis for choosing the appropriate input energy in the case of different transmission systems.
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研究分析Si?PvCA物理结构、光电特性与其电路拓扑结构等关键因素,并在此基础上提出了利用LED阵列照明空间光分布和电池板可细分重构特征,改善信噪比,实现空分多址(Space Division Multiple Access, SDMA)多输入多输出并发VLC,为LED阵列照明与Si?PvCA的VLC应用发展提供了新的研究思路和框架。
偏振模色散(PMD)的自适应补偿已经得到了比较深入的研究。在实验中采用偏振度作为取样反馈信号, 粒子群优化算法(PSO)作为反馈控制算法, 比较了偏振模色散自适应补偿系统对于不同码型的补偿效果。结果表明, 传输信号质量严重恶化的情况下, 补偿之后, 对于不同的传输码型, 接收信号的误码率都可以达到一般光纤通信系统的基本要求(10-9), 说明了PMD自适应补偿系统对于各种调制码型都具有良好的补偿效果, 还可以看出, NRZ码相对于其他码型有较高的功率代价, 而RZ50码型在补偿系统中的接收性能最佳。
针对NTN技术的脉冲波形参数国家基准已无法完全满足目前超高速电脉冲波形测量和校准的现状,构建了基于电光采样技术的脉冲波形参数测量系统,自主设计并制备了钽酸锂基共面波导结构的高频电光调制器,通过网络分析系统测量得到了其3 dB频率响应可达100 GHz。以高速光电探测器输出的电脉冲波形作为待测信号,对系统参数进行了详细的分析和优化。在优化完善的基础上,最终实现了对70 GHz高速光电探测器输出电脉冲波形的精密测量,获得的波形的上升时间和半峰全宽分别为4.6 ps和5.0 ps,这将为我国基于电光采样技术脉冲