打要害 铲源头 扎实有效地开展反腐败斗争

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打要害铲源头扎实有效地开展反腐败斗争□伊平毋庸置疑,尽管腐败问题现在依然是人民群众反映强烈的问题,腐败现象仍在某些地方、某些方面愈演愈烈,但自党的十四大以来,在以江泽民同志为核心的党中央领导下,反腐败斗争取得的阶段性成果和经验是有目共睹的。反腐败斗争... Efforts must be made to effectively and effectively launch anti-corruption struggle □ Yi Ping There is no doubt that despite the fact that corruption is still a problem that the masses are still facing. Corruption is still happening in some places and some aspects are getting worse. Since the 14th CPC Congress, however, Under the leadership of the party Central Committee with Comrade Jiang Zemin at the core, the staged achievements and experience gained in the struggle against corruption are obvious to all. Anti-corruption fight ...
“Though we don’t show asmuch direct emotion as Westerners,that doesn’t imply the Chinese lack positivefeelings,”said Yang Junheng,my scholarly friend.“In f
怎样才算到过香港,怎样才是最高效率的走马观花,有51个香港人如是说。请先想象一下,有这么一位女士:她有50后的浪漫,60后的刻苦,70后的 How to get to Hong Kong before, wh
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