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广东南海预算协商听证的实践,是以办好事、办民众满意的事而花好钱为核心理念,通过协商共治的方式听取民众的意愿和建议,以帮助预算单位用好钱、办好事,保障预算编制的充分和有效可行;预算协商听证落实了创新、改革的要求,不仅是中国制度环境下协商治理方式的有益尝试,同时也使得预算的能动性得到了有效发挥,财政制度的国家治理的基础作用得到了有效发挥,走出了一条具有中国特色的民主科学理财发展道路。这种模式的财政预算由于契合中国国情,将对推动财政制度改革、提升财政预算分配的科学性以实现社会公平正义的价值目标具有重大而深远的意义。 The practice of the Guangdong Nanhai Budget Consultation Hearings is based on the core idea of ​​doing well and doing well the people’s satisfaction and listening to the wishes and suggestions of the people through consultation and governance so as to help the budgetary unit make good use of money and do good deeds, The budget consultation hearing fulfills the requirements of innovation and reform. It not only serves as a useful attempt to negotiate and govern the way in the institutional environment of China, but also enables the activeness of the budget to be effectively utilized. The national governance of the financial system The basic role has been effectively played out of a path of development of a democratic science with Chinese characteristics. This mode of budget because of China’s national conditions, will promote the reform of the financial system, improve the scientific allocation of budget to achieve the social fairness and justice of the value goal of great and far-reaching significance.
在毛主席革命路线指引下,随着农业学大寨群众运动的深入开展,我区自然面貌有了很大改变,科学种田水平有了很大提高,农业生产有了很大发展,但和迅 Under the guidance of Ch
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一、前言 我局对车辆上木材的防腐、防潮、防霉、防白蚁的调查研究工作,是在1963年开始进行的,对部分车辆木结构所存在的缺陷而造成木材受潮后产生霉腐,以及白蚁繁殖危害等
前言: 在一般民用建筑的各个房间中,存在着多种可燃物质。当它们遇上未熄灭的烟头火柴,采暖或炊事的明火,电火花或高热以及玩火、放火等形成的火源时,只要有较为充足的空气,
球周麻醉引起严重眼心反射1例ACaseReportofSeriousEyeheartReflexInducedbyPerieyebalAnesthesia赵雪芳张德莲①ZhaoXuefang(TheFirstHospitalofNanpingCit... Periapical anesthesia caused severe ocular reflex in 1 case ACaseReportofSeriousEyeheartReflexInducedbyPerieyebal