
来源 :中国民兵 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhanlei753
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日前,在河南省焦作军分区召开的焦作市马树区陆村民兵精神文明建设现场观摩会上,陆村党支部书记侯栓成的典型事迹介绍,感动了在场的人们,与会代表被老支书执着的爱武精神所感动。 侯栓成今年61岁,他带领群众脱贫致富奔小康的同时,不忘国防建设。他把村里的民兵工作看成巩固国防的基石,在心目中的占有重要位置,先后投资11万元支持民兵建设,为全村民兵上过300多次教育课。老支书的儿子保全拥有两部东风牌汽车跑运 Recently, in Jiaozuo Military District, Jiaozuo City, Jiaozuo City, Mushu District, Lu Militia spiritual civilization construction site to observe the meeting, Lucun Party Secretary Hou Hsuan-cheng typical deeds, moved the presence of people, the delegates were the old secretary of the persistent Love the spirit of the Wu touched. At the age of 61, Hou Shuan-cheng, while leading the masses out of poverty and getting well-off, never forget the building of national defense. He regarded the militia work in the village as the cornerstone of consolidating national defense and occupy an important position in his mind. He has invested 110,000 yuan to support the militia building and has held more than 300 education classes for the entire village militia. The old party secretary son has two Dongfeng brand car running
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作为一位美国主持人,他曾随剧组转战了大半个中国。然而这位单身老人随身带的几个箱子就是他全部的行李。这意味着他把“家”全带来了…… As a U.S. presenter, he has fou
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