量体裁衣 度身定制志愿方案之十二

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考生自述我叫钱羽,是西安市铁一中2007级理科生,平时考试题难时在585分左右,题难度适中时为610分左右,简单时可以超过630分,但年级排名一直是80到120名。我比较喜欢英语,也希望在大学时选择外语或其他语言类专业。院校地域嘛,最好是北京,并且是较好的本一院校。设计前的分析陕西省实行的是考后估分填报志愿。这里,笔者依据考生提供的学校年级排名和学校2006的升学背景资料,来预测2007年高考后,考生大概可能达到的考分和考试名次情况。铁一中是陕西省名校,笔者调阅了铁一中高考升学背景资料得知:连续六年应届毕业生高考上线率100%,重点大学录取率始终保持在85%以上,近40%的学生被全国知名高校录取,清华、北大录取人数连续三年名列陕西省第二名。 The candidate stated that I was Qian Yu, a grade-graduate science student in Tielui Middle School in Xi’an City. Normal test questions are about 585, questions are moderately difficult, and they are about 610 points. In simple terms, they may exceed 630 points, but the ranking is always 80. To 120 people. I prefer English. I also hope to choose a foreign language or other language major at university. Well, it is best to be Beijing, and it is a good college. Pre-design analysis Shaanxi Province implements post-test assessment to fill in volunteers. Here, according to the school grade rankings provided by the candidates and the school background information of the school 2006, the author predicts the candidate’s possible scores and test rankings after the 2007 college entrance examination. Tie Yizhong is a famous school in Shaanxi Province. The author reviewed the background information of Tie Yizhong’s college entrance examination. It was learned that the rate of the college entrance exam on the college entrance exam for the sixth consecutive year was 100%, and the admission rate of the key universities remained above 85%, and nearly 40% of the students. Acquired by well-known universities in China, Tsinghua University and Peking University were ranked second in Shaanxi Province for three consecutive years.
“唉!我可怜的玛蒂尔德!可是我那一挂是假的,至多值五百法郎!……”“啊?——”一束阳光正透过公园里一棵高大的梧桐 “Oh, my poor Mathilde! But my link is false, and i
这幢带有西班牙文艺复兴时期风格的豪宅座落在举世闻名的电影城好莱坞的山巅上。由于房子的外观是古典式的,设计师采纳了以地中海风情为主的室内布置。 This Spanish Renais