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依赖诸侯进行宗教改革是路德一贯的立场,因此他中晚期反对人民革命并不意味着他“背叛”了人民,而是他的一贯立场在新形势下的变相表现形式。路德一生所坚持的乃是依赖储侯、进行市民阶级的宗教改革的立场。他中晚期继续对天主教展开斗争,最后走上与天主教完全决裂的道路。他中晚期捍卫了他早期提出的“因信称义”的根本原则。路德的宗教改革立场和根本原则具有一贯性。 Relying on princes to carry out religious reforms is a consistent position of Luther. Therefore, his opposition to the people’s revolution in the latter half of the Republic does not mean that he “betrayed” the people but his disguised form of consistent position in the new situation. What Luther’s life insisted on was the reliance on the Hou Hou for the religious reform of the citizenry. In the latter part of his life, he continued his struggle against Catholicism and eventually took the path of a complete break with the Catholic Church. In his later years, he defended his earlier fundamental principle of “justification by faith”. Luther’s religious reform stance and fundamental principles are consistent.
【正】 汉字中,合体字占绝大多数。合体字包括会意和形声二种。会意字是会合两个以上的独体字来表示一个新义的字,它的字义,本应与其部首的意义有关联。形声字是由形旁和声旁
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【正】 由北京师院、天津师大、上海师大学报编辑部联合倡议并主办的全国省(市)属重点高等师范院校学报深化改革研讨会,于1989年3月7日——11日在北京举行。全国有23所高师院