Diagnosis and treatment of bacterial pneumonia in liver transplantation recipients:report of 33 case

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Background Bacterial pneumonia in the recipients of liver transplantation (LTX) is a common postoperative complication influencing the prognosis greatly. In this article, the diagnosis and treatment of bacterial pneumonia in 33 LTX recipients!are reported. Methods From February 1999 to January 2003, a total of 103 patients underwent allogeneic LTX at our center; afterwards, a retrospective analysis was made on their postoperative clinical manifestations, including symptoms (expectoration, panting and fever), sign (rale), results of laboratory examinations (white blood cell count and sputum culture of tracheal secretions or pleural fluid culture), and chest X-ray films. The following data of the pneumonia and non-pneumonia groups were collected, and the rank sum test (SPSS 11.0, Wilcoxon’s method) was used to analyze the duration of postoperative respirator utilization and the volume of pleural effusion through pleurocentesis or pleural drainage.Results In the 103 patients, 33 experienced 53 episodes of bacterial pneumonia during their hospital stay after transplantation, 14 of them (42.42%) had more than three manifestations of the seven mentioned above. The pathogens causing bacterial pneumonia included Pseudomonas aeruginosa (17.48%), Klebsiella pneumoniae (15.53%), Acinetobacter baumannii (10.68%), and Staphylococcus aureus (7.77%). Amilkacin, tienam, ciprofloxacin, vancomycin, etc. were the antibiotics of choice against those bacteria. Acute rejection occurred during the treatment of bacterial pneumonia in 16 patients, and 5 of them died. Wilcoxon’s rank sum test of the data indicated that the pneumonia group had longer duration of postoperative ventilator treatment and larger volume of pleural effusion than the non-pneumonia group (P<0.05).Conclusions The clinical manifestations of pneumonia after LTX might be atypical,and special attention should be paid to the respiratory symptoms and signs within 2 months after LTX. Whenever the diagnosis of bacterial pneumonia is confirmed, consideration should be given to reasonable use of antibiotics and regulation of immunity in addition to other routine therapies. Background Bacterial pneumonia in the recipients of liver transplantation (LTX) is a common postoperative complication influencing the prognosis greatly. In this article, the diagnosis and treatment of bacterial pneumonia in 33 LTX recipients! Are reported. Methods From February 1999 to January 2003, a total of 103 patients underwent allogeneic LTX at our center; afterwards, a retrospective analysis was made on their postoperative clinical manifestations, including symptoms (expectoration, panting and fever), sign (rale), results of laboratory examinations (white blood cell count and sputum culture of tracheal secretions or pleural fluid culture, and chest x-ray films. The following data of the pneumonia and non-pneumonia groups were collected, and the rank sum test (SPSS 11.0, Wilcoxon’s method) was used to analyze the duration of postoperative respirator utilization and the volume of pleural effusion through pleurocentesis or pleural drainage. Results In the 103 patients, 33 experie The pathogens causing bacterial pneumonia included Pseudomonas aeruginosa (17.48%), Klebsiella pneumoniae (15.53%), , Acinetobacter baumannii (10.68%), and Staphylococcus aureus (7.77%). Amilkacin, tienam, ciprofloxacin, vancomycin, etc. were the antibiotics of choice against those bacteria. Acute rejection occurred during the treatment of bacterial pneumonia in 16 patients, and 5 of the died. Wilcoxon’s rank sum test of the data indicated that the pneumonia group had longer duration of postoperative ventilator treatment and larger volume of pleural effusion than the non-pneumonia group (P <0.05) .Conclusions The clinical manifestations of pneumonia after LTX might be atypical, and special attention should be paid to the respiratory symptoms and signs within 2 months after LTX. Whenever the diagnosis of bacterial pn eumonia is confirmed, consideration should be given to reasonable use of antibiotics and regulation of immunity in addition to other routine therapies.
小熊到小猴家玩。小猴说:“今天我请你吃蜂蜜。它可是很贵的哦!”  小熊笑着问:“有多贵啊?”  小猴想考考小熊,说:“这蜂蜜和蜜罐一共值100元,而且蜜罐里的蜂蜜比蜜罐贵90元。你说这蜂蜜多少钱,蜜罐多少钱?”  小熊一听,马上算起来:“100-90=10,蜂蜜90元,蜜罐10元。”  “错了!”小猴笑着说,“按你这样算,蜂蜜比蜜罐贵80元。你再好好想一想吧。”  小熊想了半天,没有算出来。小朋友
大山静静的,是绿色的琴。  一條條山道,是琴上的弦。  琴师是谁?瞧,那朵洁白洁白的云。  跳动的山雀、嬉戏的野兔、盛开的山花、奔跑的鹿群,还有采摘野果和搜集标本的孩子们,都是逗人喜爱的音符。  谁在跟琴师伴奏?一條條潺潺的溪水,一道道哗哗的瀑布,还有一声接一声悠悠的蝉鸣。  太阳跃上山顶,该吃午饭了,孩子们相约回家。稚嫩的声音在山谷间回响,融入大山美妙的琴音……
这次访谈与其说是一次与专家的对话,不如说是与一位母亲探讨如何教育孩子更为恰当,只不过这位母亲有着心理学副教授的专业背景。 Not so much an interview with an expert