坚持以人为本 落实科学发展观 推动武警部队卫生事业的改革与发展——访武警总部后勤部卫生部部长杨希忠

来源 :武警医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:re_man
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2006年是“十一五”规划的开局之年,这一年,武警部队卫生工作紧紧围绕武警总部、后勤部党委总体工作思路,坚持以人为本,开拓创新,真抓实干,整体保障能力明显提升,突出表现在:应急卫勤保障体系建设成效显著;医疗保障制度改革稳步推进;重大疫情防控取得了突破性进展;卫生信息化建设取得了新的阶段性成果。对于维护和提高部队战斗力,确保中心任务的完成发挥了积极作用。2007年是武警部队卫生改革和发展的关键一年,如何深入贯彻科学发展观,落实安全发展观念,满足广大官兵日益增长的医疗卫生需求,完成好党和人民赋予的神圣使命,是摆在各级卫勤领导面前的重大历史任务。为此,本刊记者采访了总部后勤部卫生部部长杨希忠同志。记者:请您谈谈2007年的主要工作包括哪几个方面?杨部长:2007年卫生工作,要以“三个代表”重要思想和科学发展观为指导,紧紧围绕总部、后勤部党委总体工作思路,在深化、延伸、拓展、落实上下功夫,继续提高应急卫勤保障能力,进一步加大重点传染病防控力度,大力推进卫生信息系统建设,全面推开医疗保障制度改革,深化卫生机构规范化管理,加快医学技术进步和人才建设,全面提升卫勤保障水平。 2006 is the first year of the 11th Five-Year Plan. In this year, the work of the Armed Police Force focused on the overall work train of thought of the Armed Police Headquarters and the logistics department’s party committees. We must adhere to the people-oriented principle, blaze new trails, work hard and ensure overall ability Significantly improved, highlighted in: the effective construction of emergency medical service security system; the medical security system reform steadily; major epidemic prevention and control made a breakthrough; the construction of health information has made new milestones. It has played an active role in maintaining and improving the combat effectiveness of the armed forces and in ensuring the completion of its mission. 2007 is the crucial year for the reform and development of the armed police forces’ health. How to thoroughly implement the scientific concept of development, implement the concept of safe development, meet the growing medical and health needs of the vast numbers of officers and soldiers, and accomplish the sacred mission bestowed by the party and the people is a Grade medical service leadership before major historical mission. To this end, the reporter interviewed the headquarters Logistics Department Minister Yang Xizhong Health Minister. Reporter: Could you please talk about the major tasks in 2007, including which aspects? Minister Yang: In 2007, the health work should be guided by the important thinking of the ’Three Represents and the scientific concept of development and closely center on the headquarters and logistics departments Party committees overall work train of thought, in the deepening, extension, expansion, implementation efforts, continue to improve emergency medical support capabilities, and further increase the prevention and control of key infectious diseases, vigorously promote the construction of health information system, fully open reform of the medical security system, deepen Health institutions standardized management, speed up the progress of medical technology and personnel construction, and comprehensively enhance the level of medical support.
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