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“啦啦啦,啦啦啦……”今天天气晴朗,朵朵白云天上飘,我的心情像天空一样明朗、轻快。我坐上公交车准备去朋友家玩。我刚坐下就注意到身旁一个穿黑色毛衣、粉色马甲的女孩,她手里捧着一本课外书,正在聚精会神地读着,似乎都没有注意到我在她旁边坐下。我正打量这个女孩时,一位年迈的老奶奶上车了。老奶奶摇摇晃晃地向前走着,一条腿颤巍巍的,让人忍不住想过去扶着她。我离得比较远就没好意思上前,可车上的人似乎也都没有注意到这个老奶奶。怎么没有 “La La La, la la la ...... ” Today the weather is sunny, blossoming white clouds floating in the sky, my mood as clear as the sky, light. I get on the bus ready to go to a friend’s house to play. As soon as I was seated, I noticed a girl in a black sweater and pink vest next to her, who was holding an extracurricular book in her hand and was attentively reading as though she did not seem to notice me sitting down beside her. When I was looking at the girl, an elderly grandmother got in. Old grandma staggered forward, one leg trembling, people could not help but want to hold her past. I am far away from being embarrassed to move forward, but the car seems to have not noticed that the grandmother. How not
由于工矿企业内蒸汽汽源压力往往大于使用压力,这中间的蒸汽裕压是一种可资利用的能量。根据国内外使用情况,对蒸汽裕压 As industrial and mining steam steam source pre
China and the United States struggle to cooperate in the pursuit of new energy Disputes between China and the United States over the renewable energy industry a
今天是星期五,我在放学回家的路上摔了一跤,把左手扭伤了;而这天晚上,妈妈又扭伤了腰,无论我怎么向妈妈解释左手如何扭伤的, Today is Friday and I fell on my way home fr
求真务实办学高瞻远瞩育人创办于1947年的解放大路小学经过六十年的发展,现已成为长春市一类一级示范学校、朝阳名校、朝阳区现代优质教育A级学校。 Seeking Truth and Prag
冬天,丁莉小姐在外地度假一个月后回到市郊的别墅里,刚一进入卧室,便闻到了一股紫丁香的气味。她放下行李,走到窗前准备打开落地窗,正在这时,她后脑被重重地一击,倒在地上昏了过去…… 经过调查,洛斯警长发现有四人是嫌疑对象,他们是苦苦追求她的阿江、女保姆何利群、花花公子郎邪、流浪歌手小刘。你知道这四人中究竟谁是那个神秘的人影吗?(答案本期找)
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做商人的要义,是“商者无界”。一往无前,锲而不舍,商人需要这样的韧劲,“外师造化,中得心源”…… The essence of doing business, is “business without boundaries.”